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Sunday, February 20, 2011 10:17 PM
♥ Big gathering, warm faces.

hehehehe earthlings!
Got back from ms brenda's house! :D
Miss her so much~

As usual: Eat, chitchat and play!
Ate pizza and pasta! :D
Played a game as well.
Since Im from th 2006 lot, there's also the 2004 there too!
AND ALSO played with Keia and Kagan! :D
Cute kiddsssssss . :D

Okieokie, heng tmr need not work so early! (:
Ahnyong! Short post yeah? (:

12:21 AM
♥ Unchained love.

Aliens and earthlings! :D
I had a long week, and finally have my off-day tmr! :D
I'm a happygirl94 ! :D

I'm currently obsessed with DREAM HIGH!
Omg, a srlyyyyyyy naise JYP drama! ^^
A must-watch, my friends all obsessed!
JYPNation jjang okie!?

Finally got a load-off from my heart just now.
Just felt lighter?
There have been my heartfelt words, that I cant really say out.
Cuz you know why?
Probably will not understand, and tries to say I shouldnt think this way.
I dont want those words to come out, so I rather keep them in my heart.
Why say, when you already expected the outcome?

Kiddos, I gotta you know browse thru fb awhile.
And sleep!
Finally can sleep in le T_T
Looking forward in seeing Ms Brenda tmr and 6-1 ! :D
hehe, so long never meet up! ):
Not bad ah, people already lost contact.
We still meeting at tchr house X:

Crapping too much, buai alienearthling. :D

Sunday, February 13, 2011 11:49 PM
♥ I dream high.

Nihao earthlings! :D
In a exceptionally good mood today!

Class outing to Marina Barrage! :D
Saw classmates with weird hairstyles :X
Miss the class so much!
I was laughing lika mad woman today!
Hadnt have this kind of feeling for A LONG TIME.
Heh, Meowmeow came too! ^^
Happy max to see her!
As usual, I asked her : "有没有想我?!"
Of cuz, I'm her best ahstone! :X
Bhb max.

Played blackjack in th middle of th walkway :X
The wind is so effing big that I keep eating my hair! ):
Drinks fly around! Omg. -.-
Then pei Zarinar go fly kite ! :X
She damn obsessed, I tell you.
She keep say: "我的KITE!怎么办?!"
Hehehe, but bitch left early for steamboat at cousin's house.
If not, I'm sure she'll enjoy it alot! :D
Ohya, pix are all on facebook okay!
Unglams alot ley, thanks to ongting :X

Okie, I gotta go.
Schoool tmr ):
Makes me depressed that my off-day ended like tht.
But, I miss Agnes jie they all!
Ahnyong, miss me okie? ^^

It sucks, you know, watching someone you love change into someone you don't even know anymore.

Thursday, February 10, 2011 11:47 PM
♥ Love is...

Have you ever wondered if you hadn't that someone;
Maybe your life wouldn't be the same anymore?
Or maybe you may realised that he will be your soulmate?
Many a times, we wonder all these questions so much.
But we hadn't actually look around us, to see if that someone has arrived.

I wish you would have keep me from leaving.
I wish you didn't leave me cuz of another girl.
I wish you would hold my hand forever.
I wish our love doesn't have an expiry date.
I wish I could melt in your embrace.
I wish you will die if I left you.
I wish you will regret for not choosing me.
I wish you will want me again.
I wish you are missing everything about me right now.
I wish you will miss my voice, my touch and my face.
I wish you will I love you right now.

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
