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Friday, December 31, 2010 8:09 PM
♥ New year, new resolutions.

Earthlings! <:
Today's the last day of 2010.
So, according to my tradition,
I'll post my thanks to every person who made me smile this year. (:
So did I made you smile this year? ^^

First thing first, Idk why.
I was in a pretty bad mood this afternoon when sms-ing that pig.
So was rather fed up. ):
Cuz in my mind, I dont know whether the new year is gonna be okay for me.
Or just another crappy year like this year.
So, that's what making so effing pissed offf. ):
So, I'll start now. (:

I really happy to have you all as a class.
You brought me so many wonderful memories.
And I'm really happy I'm able to be your vice-chairman!
I'll miss all the Amaths lessons and LCE lessons so much okie?!
Love ya 4G!♥

Mrs Ng:
I will miss you alot too!
My best CT in my secondary school life.
I'll always remember how you hug me when I cry.
How you always encourage me when I can't continue anymore.
I love you meow! ♥

Hiya girls, you're all the best friends I can find in my life.
Thank you for listening to me crap everytime I feel like shit.
Sometimes you girls really drive me crazy.
You all can force me say what making me sad or angry.
Without you girls, I dont know how I'll be able to survive my last year in school.
Thankyou and we'll must meet up soon! ♥

Whey Sumo! <:
You're laoda I know.
I like holding your hand while walking around school.
I'll always miss the investigations we do during Amaths lessons! x:
How we always sing during Amaths lessons.
How we always duet for "Saying I Love You".
You're always the one who will listen to me sing xD
Hehehe, I love you okay. ♥
I'll remember your fantastic driving skills that got me banged into a fence x: !

You ah, I hope I'll be always there for you.
When you want to crap, or you want cry.
I will always cherish this friendship between us.
Even thou, you used to hate me okay! X:
And, like what we wanted.
We made it up to the headlines every year for our class photos! :D
Please dont suan me anymore about the previous crushes I have okie.
I know you most proest okay. ._.
Meet up soon, we needa catch up ALOT. ♥

You are always there for me when I needed help.
Esp when I was so troubled.
I know you dont like to talk on th phone, but you still listen to me crap and cry for 2 hours.
You're always the peacemaker between us.
Your cute and weird antics I'll always remember.
Next time come my house, I'll still let you wash face and you-know-what okay! ♥

You always scold me on twitter saying I'm having a bitch fit.
I know whenever we talk on the phone, we'll most likely quarrel x:
I'll always remember going to your house cooking.
I know my temper sometimes drive you crazy okie? x)
Next time, anything can tell me.
I'll always be here okie? ♥

Sorry for the past misunderstandings okay!
I next time treat you with DONG GUA CHA X:

Omg, I'll definitely miss you so much.
I'll miss singing with you on the phone.
Listening to us off-key and laugh about it.
Listen to you complain that your voice is too man. :x
How we investigate about that asshole's thingy.
Stalking people on fb to get clues.
How you give me lectures.
Eh, we must sing soon ley.
If not, all lousy le.. ):

Laopooooo. ♥
Although we hardly talk, but hor you also always listen to me crap.
Today if can, listen to me crap about the latest crap in me okie? ):
You kept all my secrets close and listen to me cry after I crap.
Next time also need to listen to me crap okie?? ):
Don't get so obsessed to W, and forget me x:

Mama! ♥
You didnt talk to me much this year okay.
Tsk, still call me just now ):
Anyways, I love your epic reactions everytime I say something shocking to you x:
But, I still hate how deaf you are okay! :x

I know you'll never this post.
But, nvm.
Thankyou for always there every morning to laugh with me x:
And I miss your laughters and sometimes you tell me stuffs.
Which means you trust me ^^
Mmmm, see you soon okie? ♥

Zhu ah.
I know you also wont be seeing this even you know my blog.
What happened between is long forgotten.
I'll be there for you like I promised.
Don't treat me so cold okie?
You first started calling me zhu de hor.
Be happy and last long. (:

You also wont be seeing this either.
What happened between us, made our relationship so awkward.
We hardly talked now, but I still miss the times when we sms.
Sometimes, I just wish you just continue with that lie.
So I wouldn't know, and we'll continue it this way.
Stay happy and don't forget me okie? (:

Sista! ♥
Eh sometimes you be sucha an ass jiu hao.
Dont be sad cuz you didnt get into F&N like me ^^
Work hard for art, no one will doing your art work anymore okie -.-
Anws, grow tallerr x:

Eh mei da mei xiao.
It's really great knowing you.
But hor, Im your elder ley.
respect me yi xia. Dont say i hao qi fu hor!
Hmph, and hor.
Dont keep say my pix not pure colours x:

I know you also dont see this either.
Nice knowing you! :D

Nice knowing you too.
I know you and char and top tgt.
You are always the one who agrees with me that TOP is a asshole ^^
I love you!

I know it's weird thanking you okay?
But although we dont talk already, and maybe sx sees this she may scolding me.
Thanks for the morning calls in the past when I cant wake up for school.
But, you know what.
Dont post those statuses on fb le.
I wont give a damn about you anymore.

Im happy that every year you will still meet up with me once.
Which is near my birthday.
You meet me and ling and we had lunch and chatted.
You are always here for me.
Giving me the best advices for me.
Really happy to know you 3 years ago (:
I love you jie! ♥

Monster pig! ♥
You're the last.
Cuz you're the last I know before this stupid year ends.
So, thanks for all th stupid things you tell me.
Which made very happy that you're in my life (:
Before this stupid year ends. :x
Fear not. If we have the chance. if you have the chance.
We will meet one day.
Thanks for everything.
You can don't treat me well anymore (:

I finally thank everyone (HOPEFULLY).
Hope that the year will be a good one ahead for me.
And I already had a bad start for 2011.
Currently webcamming with my bitch!
Spending it with her is way better than waiting for your sms. (:
Ahnyong! good year to those who reads my blog! ^^

Thursday, December 30, 2010 11:27 PM
♥ You're my honey.

Earthlings! :D
I guess I'm fine after crying last night till 5am? ><
Now, to me.
Crying is just a way to release my feelings. (:
Am I right? ><

Had been watching dramas every night.
Crying when watching.
A not bad show! :D
Had a weird chat with monster pig.
Now, I think we like awkward.
But he says no! ):
SO idkkkkkkk. ):

My bitch is finally back in Singapore.
I miss her so much.
Results are coming out soon.
I got a feeling I might cry out of stress.
Shit me.
Okie, I'm gonna watch dramas soooon. <:
Monster pig!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010 11:47 PM
♥ Weakling.

Today's a fun day with my girls.
But now, it's totally ruined.
I didn't know that I have such a image.

I feel like crying now.
But everytime, I feel like crying.
I'll always remember what he said to me,
"Crying don't help, why cry?"
I'm trying to stop them from flowing.
If I stopped crying, does that mean I have grown up?
If I stopped crying, does that mean I can handle emotional problems better?

My friends know I cry too easily.
My friends know whether I have stuffs on my mind, I tend to not pay attention.
Because my friends know me too well, they tend to fish out what I had in mind.
How many times had I cried this year?
Endless times.
Different reasons each time.
I cried cuz of my Os.
I cried cuz of friendship problems.
I cried cuz my friend was bullied.
I cried cuz I badly burnt my hand.
I cried cuz I can't catch up with schoolwork.
I cried cuz of Sunmi.
I cried cuz of dramas.
Now, can I stop crying?
I'm not matured enough?
Maybe whatever efforts I put in, was still not enough...

12:34 AM
♥ Kitty kitten.

Hiya earthlings. <:
Not a very much good day today. ):
Went for a interview today.
RAH. srly.
Okie, she totally made me so stun.
I was like cui in my heart, but my face is still smiling ._.

I was waiting and waiting while sms-ing that pig.
And I came earlier mind you!
Why let someone else go first?!
Screw you man.
Going for a interview tmr AGAIN.
Thanks laopo for helping.
And I'll be meeting my babes! :D
Rahhh, I tot compass point ):
Sadded much, gonna go there myself after interview.

Gonna go catch my show while sms-ing that pig.
So kelian everyday got intensive.
If it's me, I would have died long ago. ):
Ahnyonggggg. ^^

Monday, December 27, 2010 11:55 PM
♥ Floods of tears.

I know picture of today is cuteeee!
Kekeke, I like this pix as well !

Mmm, th date with my girls have been officially confirmed!
Whoop, I miss them so much.
Finally can sit down and catch up and take pix. :D
My qingqing is finally coming back! ^^
So excited eh? X:

Pretty much, I'm going for a interview tmr. (FINALLY?)
After the last one, I feel extremely screwed up. (tsk.)
Maybe it's time for me to earn some money and save up.
I've dreaming about this for a long time! ):

So, I had begun with my art on the lighter.
It still looks like crap :X
I saw some CCA pix, and i miss having the SDMA camps! ):
Staying over in school was so fun!
I still rmb running arnd in school cuz we're the only ones.
I also rmb watching Final Destination 3 with them as well.
Memories ah memories.
I used to want graduate early.
Now not so much I guess.

This monster pig is so bad. ):
I'm getting "famous" cuz of this pig.. ):
Hmph, I dont wanttttttttttt. RAHH.
keke, okay lah.
I gotta jet !
Ahnyong people! :D

12:08 AM
♥ Missing you.

Hiya earthlings!
Gonna be a short post today.
Can't online any further.
Hmmm, ate steamboat and I'm full max.
Nothing seem to go into my mind today.
So this monster pig posted "my" pix on his blog!
Hmph! I'm offffffff.

Sunday, December 26, 2010 2:35 AM
♥ Last Christmas.

Hiya earthlings! (:
It's now 3.06am.
I know people dont blog during this time.
I'm still energetic.
Had been listening to "Last Christmas", singing it as well.
Keke, I know I sing all th time.
Mmm, called Kalinda and we chatted awhile.
It's really had been awhile I last talked to her.
Miss her laughters and randomness. x:
Hehe, we might be meeting up next wed?
Miss Random, miss 4G. ):
Like what that chancellor says.
I miss sitting in the classroom with them. (Thou I'm forever in the first row. ): )
I miss shouting across the classroom. (I always do that x: )
I miss doing sign language or mouthing my messages to RANDOM. (They always dont understand, and I don't understand theirs either. )
I miss LCE lessons so much. ( All the laughters and suan-ing. )
I miss being a vice chairman cuz I get to have tchrs' signature. (Hehe, I have a copy! )
I miss 4G, as the most bonded class.
I miss President meow (what chancellor calls her).
Okie, I sound a little naggy here. -.-
Being emotional is simply just being me okay!
But I thought of the endless sad things happened in school makes me sad too.
Like how I was accused of making someone cry, when I didn't say a thing.
How I hugged Yiqing during sec1 bonding campp, when we are sleeping x:
How in the middle of night, I see Yiqing sitting doing sudoku.
How I was bullied by Andy during sec2.
How RANDOM came up, during sec3 june holidays when we are going thru circle properties.
How we had a memorable camp in Pulau Ubin as 3G.
How we won the most bonded class.
How sec4 came, we all separated.
How during retreat, we won captains' ball champions!
I go orh le ):
I hate monster pig! ):

Friday, December 24, 2010 7:32 PM
♥ I'll be back.

Hiya earthlings.
I'm feeling much much better today.
But, it just sucks.
Cuz, this year is a lonely Christmas.

Christmas is tomorrow.
Yet, I dont really have the Christmassy feeling. ):
So, I guess I'll be just watching tv (:
Don't call me depressed.
Cuz, I'll really fine being alone.
I had been alone for my 16 years of life.
Being alone on Valentines and Christmas.
This year don't make any difference anymore.
I'm stronger every year, I'll be fine.

Currently listening to "I'll be back".
Obviously, I'm obsessed with love songs during Christmas.
That's so typical of Samantha eh?
Listening to "This Christmas", makes me want to fall in love.
Listening to "Kiss Me", makes me feel like being in love.
Listening to "Last Christmas", makes me feel like giving my heart this year wont help.
Listening to "I'll be back", makes me stronger.
Cuz there's a sentence goes:
"In my world, I'm your boy; you're my girl."

Lastly, Merry Christmas Eve to all couples out there and friends! :D
I hope you had a enjoyable day!
Ahnyong! (:

Thursday, December 23, 2010 4:16 PM
♥ It's in the rain.

Hiya, cut the formalities.
I know it's a little early that I blog now.
Cuz there are too much crap on my mind NOW and I need it off.
So I'm sure it's pretty much a emotional and crappy post.
I don't have readers so I don't give a damn either.
Maybe I'll find myself crying after this post.
But, after the rain , the sunshine will come..
I don't really understand why.
Why can he stirred up so many emotions in me?
Why can he bring back so many memories that he doesn't even remember and I'm the only one doing the remembering?
If nothing can bring us together, memories can.
If memories can't, then what's the point of me remembering?
Everyone knows that I love the rain.
But, no one knows why.
Because, the rain comforts me whenever I'm sad.
Seeing every single raindrop makes me happy.
Seeing every single raindrop makes me feel not alone.
It's like the rain washes every trouble and every thought away.
But tears still fall, like rain.
They won't fall forever.
In the day, it flows.
Things will come.
Things will go.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010 12:20 AM
♥ I don't wanna be alone this christmas.

Hiya, (:
okay, just a short post and i definitely miss my friends like mad. ):
I miss sitting in class with 4G most.
And results are coming out soon.

mmmm, life's practically boring.
And to be honest, I HATE ANDY KE JUN KANG.
He says he's happy that he will made it to my headline xD
Laxy to blog.

Sunday, December 19, 2010 2:13 AM
♥ Ounce of courage.
Hiya earthlings! (:
Life's still pretty much th same (:
Everyday went mama's workplace.
To practice nail filing and nail art!
Keke, I mastered a lil nail art! ^^

I'm currently watching a late night show on tv! (Y)
Hais, sad to think that actually I'm rotting at home ):
Okie, gotta continue w th show! ^^
Ahnyong! (:

Friday, December 17, 2010 1:57 AM
♥ It meant nothing.
Hie earthlings (:
Nothing to do much at home.
But obviously, I'm having weird flashbacks.

Maybe it's gonna be a real emotional post.
I know I'm gonna be rambling.
And that person wouldn't possibly care.

To be exact, I hadn't really had a real conversation with that person.
No doubt, everything just surrounded with msn chats.
Later, it just reduces to lesser msn.
It doesn't bother me before, but now.
Maybe knowing having an illness, really makes me worry alot.
Later on, SMSes and chats was lesser.
We reduced to not talking anymore.
Ha. How funny.
Telling me that particular sentence when we first met.
Really left a deep impression.
I even have the thought of really going with what was said.
I didn't in the end duh.
Hahaha, I wrote such a nice story eh? Maybe i could ? XD
Now, not replying my smses, msn being so cold.
Really scares me.
Wondering if maybe one day, that pig is gonna leave.
Haha, we don't have a past nor a future.
Just then, whatever he said lingers in mind.

Missing your voice.
Missing your face.
Missing every single thing of you.

I just have to let you roam the world you belong.
Cuz we're never from the same world before. (:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 4:05 AM
Hiya earthings! (:
I know it's kinda crazy and weird for me to be wide awake now. ):
It's 4.05am, but I just can't get to sleep.
It's like insomnia had already got back to me aft th genting trip ):
Argh, don't like it.

Fulfilled my dream during genting trip!
Finally watched Wondergirls' concert w my family! <3
It was totally a surprise!
Didn't know that my sist could actually keep her mouth shut about it! :x
Hehehe, still indulging in the voices of my girls.
It was a full house that day!
And my girls definitely worked hard and gave us a blast! ^^

Something is bothering me.
I hadn't had this feeling for awhile and it's back.
Shoot. Aish. What crap is this?
Feeling sourish for someone whom I know just merely a year isn't cool.
And idk why am I feeling this way either.
Pretty much sucked ttm.
Boy, does your love really that limited?
Sometimes, I do miss you.

Ahnyong, gonna try grab some sleep (:
Miss me!

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
