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Sunday, August 29, 2010 6:34 PM
♥ Emotional thoughts.

Hey people. (:
I know, I shouldn't be updating too much.
But today, a sudden urge of emotional thoughts came to me.
And I srly want to say them all out? (:
Will talk about my class meeting tmr then.
Don't you mind me right?
P.S: Have urge to type some emotional stuffs here.
Hope you earthlings out thr like it (:

Sometimes, I do believe there's a end to everything.
Should I call it a expiry date?
Life has one. Food has one. Everything we use have one.
Does love has one?
I always wondered, will one day the love you're holding onto would reach its expiry date?
Wondered if, one day the efforts you put into your love has all gone?
One day, the love you once cherished so much was gone without leaving any trace?

We all do wonder about things like this.
We never stop wondering.
Love deteriorates through time.
But one thing doesn't have expiry dates.
One particular thing, people still hold on.
Whether it's pain or happiness.
It's memories.

Memories allow you to remember all the things you have been through in your life.
So do you remember what happen on the night during your Sec3 adventure camp?
Do you remember what actually happened during the day where you finally gotten your cert?
And do you remember what happened on Valentines' night?
All these are memories you hold onto.
Despite the fact that history can't repeat itself, no matter how much you want to.
You remember them, you'll find yourself living in your memories again.

Memories do not have expiry dates.
They last forever and forever.
You can't forget them.
You don't forget them.
It's for you to keep.
So we have to enjoy the time we spend together.
So in future, we can look back and enjoy those memories together.

xoxo. /♥

12:00 AM
♥ Shady Girlz.

Earthlings! :D
Had some great chats with my glutton sister! ♥
Teehee :B

Hmmm, timing has changed to 1pm tmr (:
Still anticipating ! :D
Hope tmr will be a success :D
It's th last year, and I really hope whole class will take a lil part in this . (:
Woooooo. ♥
I totally loveee moi classss :D

Hmmmm, sleeping early today? (:
Idk someone, anyone wants to meet for lunch tmr ): ?
Hais. ):
Okay. Ahnyong! :D

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, August 28, 2010 12:49 AM
♥ Make it shine.

Wonderfuls! :D
Saw WG's lastest CF! ♥
They are extremely kute and pretty ttm! :D

Hyelim looks pretty tooo! (:
keke, Sohee kewt max! ♥
Miss sunmi! ):
I know she'll also look kewt and pretty in th CF !
They're back in korea! :D

Hmmm, tuition tmr ):
Tsk .
I'm so looking forward to tchr's day. like every year.
I'm always looking forward!
I think I'll have alot of fun on SUNDAY! :D

xoxo. /♥

Thursday, August 26, 2010 2:41 PM
♥ Shock.

Aliens! :D
Tmr is my last paper! (Y)
Okay, aft this is 'O' lvls! ):

F&N paper.
Srly I cannot fail liao ._.
Tsk, doing notes naoz. (:
This morning had breakfast with Sherlene @ MAC :D
HAHA. Talked about manymany things. (:
Srly, had many shocks. x.x
Aiyah, nvm uh.

Hmmm, gotta study nao! ):
Ahnyong people :D !

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, August 24, 2010 1:11 AM
♥ Rainy rainy.

Earthlings! :D
It's raining like almost everyday! :D
It really keeps me happy <:

Maths paper 2 was okay! :D
Didn't have this confidence for maths once ><
I'm extermely excited naoz! :D
Dk why!
I think I'm super hungry tooo ):
Shit it manzxc, I'm feeling hungry more often these days x:

Hmmmm, shall go and find something to eat.
Mind you people, it's 1.20am naoz :D
Ahnyong :D

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, August 22, 2010 1:01 AM
♥ Hurt that turns to disappointment.
Aliens earthlings! :D
Okay, can I say
My hurt has already turned into total disappointment?

Fine, since I'm so insignificant.
I shouldn't be giving another damn anymore.
Some people are being veryveryvery evil.
Still laughing about my forehead banging incident!
Tsk, tht old man.

Monday's th start of prelims AGAIN.
Finefine, I have been very hardworking.
Constantly reading and everything ! :D
Teeheee :B
Hmmmmm , I really have to buck up.
It's time to show my ability! :D
Alright aliens.
I gottta jet and sleeep.
Tmr's another day for studying! :D
Ahnyong! :D

That constant hurt,
slowly turned into disappointment I had for you.
Suddenly, I realised I wasn't important.
Suddenly, I felt like I wasn't even part of your life.
Because, it strucks me that it's insignificant to you.

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, August 21, 2010 12:33 AM
♥ Hurt that lingers on.

Earthlings people aliens.
Today's definitely not getting any better for me.
Wow, can see that 2010 is actually a bad year?
First, nothing can be worser during th ACE programme.
I get on with life, and now back into my life AGAIN.
Later, My chinese results disappointed me.
Now, her words lingered in my mind.
And lastly, it hurt me like nothing else would.

Day went thru okay. (:
Sun actually helped me thru th day. (: ♥
Ah gtg ! Ahnyong :D

You never how much it hurts me.
I didn't know that it strucks you to be unimportant.
But I know that, I'm was never important to you.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, August 20, 2010 12:17 AM
♥ Reach for the stars.

Hey earthlings! (:
I'm back to my old normal self ! :D
Hmmm, I shouldn't still moping about my results? O:
Since I have decided to retake it ! :D

Can I say I enjoyed Amaths lesson much?!
Sad to say, I was enjoying a show.
Laughing with qing and zar :D
Other lessons was boring much. ):
Talking about really ridiculous things in class. :D
Chinese lesson, tchr mainly talked about our results and stuffs.

Went home alone.
Had a tiff with zar ):
Omg, surely we like to have it thou.
Aft tht was okay after a phone conf with sx and her!
Hilarious much x:

Okayokay, gotta jet!
currently playing Uno with Chantelle! :D
Ahnyong :D

xoxo. /♥

Thursday, August 19, 2010 12:11 AM
♥ Disappointment.

Today is a doublely bad day for me.
Results aren't up to my expectations.
And I cried like there's no tmr.

Call me a crybaby.
I can't help it, when people put high hopes on me right?
And I didn't expected a you-know result. -.-
Gotta thank Mrs Yoga and Mrs Ng for comforting me.
Hugging me and everything.
Cuz at tht point of time, I really cannot stop my tears.
I cried and cried, sx was shocked too.
And congrats too all those who have gotten A1! (:

Im not going to mope and cry anymore.
I decided to retake my chinese too.
Like I said, I need to forget and look forward. (:
I can do it !
Aja Aja. (:

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, August 18, 2010 12:41 AM
♥ Emotional rush.

Earthlings. >:
Can I say, today couldn't be any more depressing?

Okay, was moody throughout th entire day.
Having lots and lots of emotional rush in class.
And srly whatthehell, when was the last time, I felt this way?!
Last year.
Hmmm, can I say, they didn't notice at all?
Due to all those constant strong fronts I put on everytime.
They didn't seemed to notice until they read my diary?
Yes, I'm feeling down.
Those salty things fall on their own?
Ah, screw myself.

Tmr I'm getting my chinese 'O' lvl results and english orals.
Screw it man, both on th same day.
Had tht ahbuneh as examiner, suay much -.-
Gotta buck up.
And really hope tmr's pix wun so hard , okay ? ):

I'm feeling weird and down lately.
People just pardon my face okay?
I know it's really black, pale and dull.
Tsk. I will be happy soon. (:
Ahnyong, gotta have some mental preparation for tmr! :D

xoxo. /♥

Monday, August 16, 2010 7:35 PM
♥ All I want is love again.

Heyheyhey earthlings. <:
Okay, I know it's just any other normal day of school.
And it's really sucky to start th week this way.
But end up super funny.
Cuz eventually, it wasn't my fault ><

Lessons like normal only.
Got scoldings first thing in th morning. ):
Physics and Emaths goner liao. ):
Hmm, gonna buck up? That's th only way out I guess.
Okayokay. Was laughing aft Amaths lesson like MAD.
Can I say it was too hilarious that I can't stop laughing?
Omg, now it has been worldwide news! x:
And nonono.
Not my fault okay?
It's what I call self-admit.
Please lah, it's open!
Open for everyone. (:

Hmmm, shall not talk about it.
Later maybe will laugh until I fall off chair x:
Let's see how things proceed from here :D
Teehee :B
I'm currently veryveryvery obsessed with Miss A xD
Heh, they are cool okay!
But Wondergirls still No.1 in my heart uh ♥

Okay people, off to cook rice! (: Ahnyong! <:

And you're just another reminder
of how i'm never quite good enough.

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, August 14, 2010 12:44 AM
♥ Break it up!

Earthlings S.O.S !
Chem paper also like okay only. -.-
Went school earlier, to study !
Talked to LKH :D

Went cp to have lunch with Sher, sq, sx and hl ! :D
KFC-ed and talked about old times.
Laughed like mad, thinking about how ridiculous we can be last time x:
Sher and sq left earlier, cuz they wanted to watch SALT ? O:
So left with me , sx and hl.
We talked about chalets.
And alot of things came about. <:

Thenthen, Jeannie came and knocked my head :B
Kewt lah her.
Scare me thou X:
Continue with my story telling and left.
Went library, and 7-eleven!
Hl and sx bought teenage and teens.
1 cover is ss501, 1 is bigbang o:

Ahnyong, tuition tmr. :/

Thinking back to the old times,
how great it would be,
if I could turn time back.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, August 13, 2010 8:11 AM
♥ Trancetrancetrance.

Omg sorry people Earthlings!
It's th prelim period and it's busy -.-
It's like 8am in th morning, I can't fall back to bed.
Cuz I was awaken aft calling dummy and sx ):

Had my emaths paper1 ystd, and it was damn hard! -.-
Shit it man, how am I going to pass my 'O's this way ._. ?
Physics paper 2 was demoralising toooo ._.
Tsk. Later will be chemistry paper 2 D:
Wish me luck (:

Srly pissed off at some people ._.
Please lah.
No need to show out right?
You are contradicting yourself.
I want to frigging dig out your eyes.
Drilling holes in th screen and back -.-
No need so obvious right?
Since you dw to let H know, dont show it.
Hide it.
You showed it until it says "OMG H! Ah~" -.-
I feel like vomiting.
Want H to know, tell him lo.
Dont act as if, you dont care. (:

Ahnyong, eat some bread and get ready for school I guess. (:
Ltr dummy scold me for not eating ._.
keke, see-ing LKH ltr!
Bye :D

xoxo. /♥

Friday, August 6, 2010 11:50 PM
♥ Little experiment.

Earthlings :D
I know it's late at night now.
But I just seemed to sleep now.
Too many things on my mind now.

Firstly, investigations confirmed after several rds of eliminations :D
Wouldn't have expected this.
Tooo easy to guess, was given too many clues ):
Sian right?! *pouts*

School NDP celebration can say is very ....
M. really wants to save money and time.
No march out. sian die.
Concert was boring tooo ):
No eugene, Our wushu master! ):
No nice wushu to watch le ! ):
Basically, very fun lah.
Cuz we whole class played together.

During PE, had illegal gathering in basketball court.
Super funny okay.
Talking to my girls about stuffs cheer me up!
Esp the current topic.
Makes me laugh like mad x:
Qing gave me a scare of my life, when she screamed.
I screamed with her -.-
Initially wanted to shout certain things, but my best frnd's best frnd was thr, so didnt.
Laugh like mad at th idea of shouting tht. x:
keke, zarinar thought we are crazy! :B

Amaths was reading my novel.
While tingting gave me a massage! ♥
Thts all, I think.
Lend kalinda my boyf tee, and she's supposed to keep it in good shape :D

Guess that's all.
Dont drilling holes into backs! :B
Ahnyong! :D

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, August 4, 2010 11:34 PM
♥ Candy boy.

Earthlings! (:
Tmr is my science practical exams!
Hope everything just goes well . ):

Tsk .
Actually, life's pretty mundane for me.
School life is pretty hectic.
I think it's gonna be a pretty short post.
And another investigation work for me to do ! (:
Okay, I sound pretty evil here.
My last project with tingting is a success!
So I hope it's gonna be a success tooo.
But this time, maybe I working with qing? x:

Okay, gonna take a sleep soon.
Promised someone again, someone actually gave me timings for my tonning sessions -.-
Ahnyong people! :D

xoxo. /♥

12:20 AM
♥ Wreckage you left.

Hai earthlings (:
Tmr's there is health check!
Omg, testing my eyesight!
I love it please.
Omg, I sound sick here. -.-

Okay, thr's this bitch PMS-ing please.
Scold scold scold.
I tot you should be encouraging people?
Or you should be trying your best to push us forward?
Not pulling us down with your friggingly nice words.
Oh seriously, let this year be over and done with.
I don't want to see her to be hurt over and over and over again by you.
Neither I want to see her getting hurt,
Or demoralise by your words,
when she's starting to put in effort.
Seriously, without you.
She's far off better.
I'll be far more better too.

Okay, seriously pissed ttm . -.-
Fine, gotta jet.
Sleeping time.
I've actually promised someone to sleep early tonight (:
Ahnyong ! :D

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, August 3, 2010 12:06 AM
♥ Sugar sugar luv.

Earthlings! :D
Prelims is next weeek ! ):
Omg, ):
Okay, 1 happy thing !

Extremely happy ttm!
Currently obsessed with other songs naoz :D
Suga luv - Bizniz! <:
Practicals coming.
Note taken : MUST BUY ERASER. -.-

Sunmi ah, you left exactly six months ago.
Doing well in your studies?
I'm not so doing well in mine ):
You must ace your exams!
And come back to us!
We'll all be waiting and waiting for your return.
WonderGirls need you to be complete.
You're forever my alien. ♥

Ahnyong peoplee.
Everything is getting weirder.
But I think I'm starting to get used to all these things happening to me. (:

xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
