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Saturday, June 26, 2010 1:01 AM
♥ Forlorn in love.
Je t'aime.
Earthlings! <:
Today is th last day of ACE.
Happy much! <:
I walked arnd th school canteen bare-footed x:
Suxian keep on complaining about her wet shoes! >:
Just like her personality! *winks*
She gonna hit me <:
We started off with th 'bleach' thingy.
Now her depressed personality! x:
Had a super fun day with Zarinar and Ongting! ♥
We were like recording down our voices when we sing. x:
Zarinar is soooooooo 'shy' !
Wl, really like two person.
Aft tht, she was so obsessed with the 'ralalala' !
Keesiao one.
Sing thn laugh at herself.
We laugh like some mad people.
Suxian complain us very noisy :B
Advices advices advices!
Important much.
Cherishhhhhh. <:
Ahnyonggg! :D
xoxo. /♥

Friday, June 25, 2010 12:39 AM
♥ Love at first sight.
Hey earthlinggggs.
Tmr is the last day! :D

School happened something O:
Hope they get well soon. <:
Gotta jet!
Ahnyong! <:

xoxo. /♥

Monday, June 21, 2010 10:37 PM
♥ Never ending hurt.
Hey earthlings. <:
Okay, Im always part of SunRain yeah? (Y)
Teehee :3
Okeh, maybe people may not quite understand.
But on one note, is halfway done.
I Don't Care - 100%
2 Different Tears English - 100%
Kissing You - 100%
Run Devil Run - 100%
Crazy - 30% (Sun wasn't able to master tht bloody rap!)
Abracadabra - 50% (Sun's still learning her verses! :D )
Hmms, others we hvn trained on them yet.
Currently is just this <:

Today had mock exams, which I totally forgot about. -.-
only remember tmr's oral exams x:
It was okayyyy thou.
Nearly fell asleep ><

Okeh, I shall be off to play audi for a lil teeny weeny while <:
SunRain! (L)

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:59 PM
♥ A lil tooo quiet.
Yeah, was a lil dead these days I guess. ):
Gonna give it a lil update (:

These days was still as boring as ever.
But these days was a lil shaken.
Shaken. Badly shaken.
I guess Im just gonna survive all these.
Let me settle one thing at a time.
Just one.
I hope I would be so stressed out yeah,

Hmm, gotta jet. (:
Ciaos, (:

Maybe it's time for me to say goodbye.

xoxo. /♥

Monday, June 7, 2010 12:32 AM
♥ Unreasonable shits.
Heyz people.
Oh, busy this whole June hols. ._.
With hmwkkkk! ):

Why are you people so frigging dumb?
You think I'm dumb?
Or what?
You're not able to face up to people?
Continue being a keyboard warrior? -.-
Oh please, one big sucker.
No point please.
Use your bloody brains to think.
Does 'ILoveYou" is such a meaningless 3 words to you?
Use it whatever and whenever you want.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, June 4, 2010 12:50 AM
♥ You're sucha dumbass.
Hey earthlings, (:
Quite sorry I didn't update my blogg. *Pouts*
I had left it DEAD! ):

Kayz. Chinese O's are over! :D
F&N O's practical are over! :D
I cleared 2 already! :D
Getting ready to chiong the other alreadyyyyy.
I really want a A1 for chinese please! *prays*

Hmm, my holidays are a gone case already.
Cuz Im stuck in school. ( 4A's classroom) for ACE program ! >[
How shag is that!?
My 4weeks of holidays are gone like that! ):
Hmmm, ystd was RANDOM's 1year Anniversaryyy! ♥

SUMO girlz, thank you for all the support and love you gave me! :D
Hmmm, listen to me rant about tht ass. <:
And helping me think of solutions. <:
Help me diao people I detest! :D
Weeeee, I love you girlz! :D

Laogong ah! :D
Thank you for all those constructive comments you gave in my diaryyy yeah (:
But hor, hello & byebye isn't one good one okay!? *pouts*
Thank you for all your support, and the laughters you provide to us! ♥
loveya! :D

HAHAHAHAHA. It's okayyy to let you suan.
But got limits one hor. <:
You know my weak point, I know yours! (winkwink)
Hmmm. thank you for tolerating my craps? x:
HAHAHAHAHAHA. loveya bitchhh! ♥

I know we practically quarrel everytime we call each other or msn-ed. :x
It's practically normal for both of us le right?
If not, we have to buy lotsa gifts for each other x: !
Teehee , thank you for listening to me rant and crap about tht dumbass. X:
Loveyou ! :D

Lastly, dedicated to someone. <:

Girlz, You are gonna pull thru this okay?
Don't forget this sister here. ♥
Anything , be sure to tell me.
I will be here to listen. (:
Don't be afraid. (:
You know, I'll always be here for you! ♥

Give you 1 quote.
"Never underestimate a girl's ability to find out things."
Remember this, I'm not as naive as you thought.

xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
