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Friday, April 30, 2010 11:49 PM
♥ People change, you know?
Hai earthlings. (:
HAD MY LAST 2.4km RUN <:
Damn cui please. *pouts*
Asthma came bck.
What's better than that? *pouts*

True enough.
I ran w ongting.
and i got myself a 114 position.
Wow, when i ran into school.
I was like gonna give up soon.
Cuz my asthma was killing me. x.x
Then suddednly I heard : "SAMANTHA! SAMANTHA! 快点跑!"
Then I heard : "AH GONG! 快点跑!要到liao! "
Then I heard : " SAM GOGO! RUNNNNNNNN~ "
Then i feel so motivated.
I chiong-ed to th finishing line x:
Thanks people <:

Then dizzy spells. feel like vomiting.
All sorts of weird stuffs.
Naoz, my legs are starting to ache. ._.
Gotta go!
tuition hmwk!
Byez! :D

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 11:10 PM
♥ What goes around comes around.
Hai earthlings <:
School is still pretty hectic yeah? ):

Really didn't understand why.
Cuz school was hectic and hard,
Today I screwed my oral! *sobs*
I was practically stoning! >[
omgomg. Chinese oral like tht.
English oral also like tht.
I was super nervous please >:
Suan le,
no point crying over spilt milk. *pouts*

Ahnyongz! :D

Old witch ah old witch.
Me doing what I want, srly none of your business. (:
If you really care, buzz off from my sight. (highly impossible)

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, April 25, 2010 10:30 PM
♥ Birthday birthday birthday girlz.

Hmmm, great day!

Had manymanymany (endless) surprises please!
Firstly went to watson for my first clue! <:
Mrs Ng, Sherlene, Suxian pop out of no where!
I was screaming in watsons <:
Second venue was th kiddy toilet on 4th floor. <:
I saw Glen at th entrance
I was like stone thr.
Wow, Random inv-ed him too.
Then he asked me to go inside.
I saw th one and only cubicle was closed but not locked.
I was like "got ppl inside?"
When I opened th dooor. <:
Very well. Th pressie is th toilet bowl! :D
Went to metro aftermath.
Saw weihao O:
He was another person inv-ed. (:
He asked me to pick a clothes and go into changing room.
then I saw th pressie.
I 趴 on th floor laughing hysterically!
In th metro's changing room!
It was WG's pencil board!
Then went to KFC.
I saw cowwie thr.
omg so kewl .
Then th GUEST arrived.
Its my Terence papa! <:
I was super shocked
I was laughing like mad ><

Went home, had steamboat w family.
And "Oral-B" cake! ♥
Tear up pressies! ><
Love all th pressies much!
And lastly,
Thank you RANDOM for everything.
All th programs!
Iloveyou guys! ♥

Andandand, not to forget!
Terence papa!
Thank you for your pressie!
I love it much! :D
I will not torture it <:

I will take good care okeh!
Suxian, dont worry.
I will TRY not to swing its arms or legs <:

Sherlene Laopo,
Thank you for th mug!
Super kewl! :D
Iloveit! <:

Thanks for everything. <:
HAHAAHA. I enjoyed it alot. <:

Thanks! <:
I hope we can be really great frnds (:
Anything you can tell me, I will be there to be a listening ear!
Stay pretty babe! ♥

SAMANTHA NEO is officially a grown girlz. <:

xoxo. /♥

Friday, April 23, 2010 9:15 PM
♥ A little too sour.
I suckkk.

I failed at everything.
Cheering people up.
Im best at making people angry.
Using this damn mouth of mine.
Nao i know why.
All along, i suck.
Dont feel like posting anymore.
Th thought of it makes me hate myself more..

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 11:15 PM
♥ Everything is fake from the start.
Nothing much for me to update about?
This whole week will be busy with school's speech day.
And this week pretty sucked ttm.

5moredays, and im still here acting like some dumbass kid -.-
Whenever I fail to do smth, I cry.
Everything I cry.
WTH is happening to me?
Why am I crying so much this year?
Over small stuffs, results.
I make people worry for me.

I want to get away from all these drama.
All this stress.
From this world.
I wished I never existed to make people worry or miserable.
I fail at everything.
Even cheering someone up, I failed at that too.
Now I really wish it can rain and I will be able to wash all these away.
Cuz th only thing i can do is to cry,
cheer myself up.

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, April 18, 2010 12:19 AM
♥ A road of love isn't as easy as it seemed.
Hai earthlings. :D
That tudi of mine asked me to blog x.x
So I am here blogging duh. (:

Life's as mundane as ever.
And seriously.
Im sick once again.
but this time.
Not flu, fever, cough or any illnesses you manage to think of.
Serious stomach pains since 4days ago. -.-
I didn't told my parents obviously.
this morning, woke up with th pains so strong.
Im stuck in th toilet for 2 hours -.-
Sitting and bending down, on th toilet bowl. -.-
Epic shit.
No tuition.
thr's a stupid maths ST on monday.

omg, suddenly this blog is so full of nagging.
and it's dying alr. ):
cuz got lousy blogger <:
Problem not solved. -.-
Mrs Ng keeep ask me update her about my friendship prob :B
Can see she worried lah ><
Because Im her ah gong vice chair! :D
omg, th post is getting longer.
And it's full of crap -.-

And something makes me real sad.
Im stepping down soon? ):
Omg, i really missed the fun I have with my CCA frnds from sec1 till naoz.
sec1 we dont have much stuffs.
Sec2 was great!
KL trip! :D
Omg, 4floor.
ALL ICC people live.
We run here run there.
Borrowing chargers and stuffs.
And night tio caught by DM and tchrs.
Eating cup noodles in room with my roommates.
Singing with jiehao and sherlene on th bus.
Sec3 was the SDMA camp.
All sleep together. (:
Watch-ed final destinationt till 3am.
Thank you all for th wonderful memories. :D
Though its a club cca, i manage to get a1 for my cca <:

Sorry tudi x:
Short post to super long and naggy post <:

xoxo. /♥

Thursday, April 15, 2010 11:53 PM
♥ This song.
She talked to me today. :D
Heheheheh. :D
I so happy . :D
And im also happy for jamie! :D

kaykaykay. At this late hour, im still awake?
its like 1.30am?
Sorry, my blog clock is abit screwed. -.-
So yeah.
Dk why, i feel unexpectedly emotional naoz.
listening to 2AM's this song.
Great song :D
Emo. (:

I think i shall go off?
Hmm, byez :D

I hate insomnia not because it doesn’t put me into sleep,
but puts me in the state of reminiscing memories which I know I can’t bring back.

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 10:31 PM
♥ Rainy days never fails me.
School was mundane today too.
Nothing much happen, you know. (:
As usual, problem not solved.
And thanks for many people's concern. :D
Esp, Isabel siaodingdong! <:
Sorry I was unable to control my tear ducts todayy again.

You know, had quite a long chat with Isabel SDD. <:
I talked alot, like some machine gun.
I just keep talking and talking.
Had another talk during PE.
My one and only chance to solve and salvage the whole situation.
But, I didn't grab it.
Instead, I cried. -.-
Had another talk during english lesson.
Kalinda and Zarinar were telling me about my flaws?
I was like first reaction, "Just dont say attitude, i know alr."
Then they started to talk about my good points.
Suddenly, zarinar just say, "At this point, I only see your flaws."
I was CUI, ):
Then zarinar told me, "你有时很温柔,有时很粗鲁."
I was omg? Im gentle? <:
Kalinda then cut in, "when is samantha gentle?!"
But i was happy, at least they told me stuffs. (:

Lastly, thankyou mrs ng (:
I know you saw me cry.
and come 安慰me, <:
她们没有欺负我,放心. <:
Iloveyou MrsNg ♥
And i dont be so bad.
Thankyou tudi too <:
I will use my fingers to pull the ends of my mouth <:
Ahnyongz! :D

xoxo. /♥

Monday, April 12, 2010 10:28 PM
♥ You know, I'm sorry.
Today has be a very bad start for this whole week.
You know, it's since ages I last heard tht comment from her?
It's hurts as badly as before.
But sadly, I cannot do anything to salvage.

School was mundane. ):
F&N, me, zar and eddie was laughing at someone's blog. x:
His blog posts super funny.
I was laughing so hysterically, that I forgotten what she said.
But still it lingers...

Maths mock exams?
Total wreck.
Dont even bother mentioned it.
I hope I can pass..
And returned home with the emotions flooding thru me again..

Gotta go. (:
Ahnyongz <:

History repeats itself once more.
I cannot do anything to salvage.
We are gonna have conversations without words.
Or worst, no conversations.
Sadly though, I didn't know what's wrong w me.
I know my attitude.
Can you tell me?
Dont hang me arnd here.

What have I changed?
I really dont know..
But really, I wish this would stop and things would be
Normal again...

Lastly, Im sorry for what I said.
It is all a joke.
Im so so sorry..
Dont blame me..
I blamed myself too much naoz.
Im sucha bitch.
I wouldn't say those anymore.
Im sorry girlz...

xoxo. /♥

12:38 AM
♥ I wish Im normal.
Oh god, school is super stressful okeh? -.-
And thr a major Emaths mock exam! *faints*

Hectic school life.
Samantha Neo's life is pretty mundane yeah? (:
So yeahhhhhhhh.
Sad die, cuz its still a couple of month to O levels.
And i really wish to push a "pause" button in my life.
Sad much. ):
My life nothing much really.
No life! :D

Okeh, this blog post is getting rather boring naoz.
I shall be off to chiong my F&N coursework AGAIN.

Anyways, who dare try my dishes? :B
Huhuhu x:

Lastly, if you're so unwilling.
Don't be sucha ass.
No one is expecting you to do it okay?
And you absolutely have no rights to comment about what I done.
Or in fact what I want.
Don't think one word from you can change anything.
I make you feel guilty.
I will prove you wrong.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, April 9, 2010 12:11 AM
♥ Zombies of thee world unite.
Oh seriously.
At this point of time.
It's 12.10am. ):
And im stuck here doing decision making!

Oh god, tmr's friday.
And im anticipating. :D
I cant wait to have long hours of sleep.
Im depriving sleep once school starts.
How shag is that! -.-

Anyways, some zombie shocked me almost everytime cans!
Zombie says: I have 4 eyes, i can see clear clearrrrrrrr.
I say: Oh really. Am i blind?
Zombie says: yeah <:

Still, school sucks every single day.
I screwed today's oral -.-
I was stoning in front of th tchr.
for 9secs.
And she asked to start. ><
Ohgod, when can SAMANTHA NEO stop stoning?
Never ever. :D

Kayz, late.
I gna chiong tonight liao.
Say byebye to my sleep ):

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, April 7, 2010 12:16 AM
♥ Counter my life.
Today not in the best-est moods.
Today pretty sucked.
Everyday sucked.
Every single day in my life SUCKED.

I practically did the wrong thing to him.
How retard is that?
Am I really baka like he said?
Maybe I'm.
Super disappointed when he told me,
that he's heartless.
Why would someone be like that?
In my eyes,
You aren't. (:

I wish people arnd, don't change anymore.
Im sick of changing people.
I didn't change.
People change.
Hearts change.
And they will never be the same again.

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, April 3, 2010 12:47 AM
♥ Kissing you baby.
Hai earthings. :D
I seemed to not blog for days yeah?
Pathetic blog ):
Tagboard still alive, thanks to ethan jiefu :D

School life as mundane and hectic as ever.
Results suck like shit, but I dont have MOTIVATION. ):
Screw moi.
Nao, I see brandon kon.
Just get outta my sight, bastard. (:

new coursework stuffs to work on. ):
Going malaysia on Sunday to 扫墓. O:
22moredays! :D
Have beeen wondering what will RANDOM give moi? *thinks*
Seriously, Im not hoping th best.
As for YQ's pressie, it was you know GREAT. :D
Hehs, ><

Okeh, thr's tuition tmr.
So, gotta sleeeep soon. ):
Miss me people! :D


xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
