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Thursday, December 31, 2009 8:50 PM
♥ Final day of 2009, goodbye past.
Okeh, this will be one long post. (:
Will talk about all the people who brought laughters and happiness into my life. :D
All those memories this year, Lovely. ♥

Hmmmm. Firstly~
3G lah :DD
Without 3G, who will say our class is most noisy one? x:
All those laughters, jokes and those memorable LCE lessons! :D
And of course Mrs Ng! :D
Without her, class wouldn't be fun and noisy! :D
Nao, I think next year will be a very "nice" year. (Due to some person. -.-)
All the laughters comes from Glen, Taff or maybe other jokers too! :D
This two main ones lah! :D
Love die 3G ttm! :D

Also, without my clique; RANDOM, I think no lovely memories too! :D
All those guailan jokes. x:
Kalinda, Yiqing, Zarinar and Ongting!
Laughing loudly in KFC, running around tickling each other. :D
Having heart-to-heart talks. (:
All these are memorable. :D
And Happy Belated Six Month Random! ♥

My audi kor,jies, mei and jiefu! :D
Ethan jiefu! :D
Don't act cute, and sing hor! x:
Happy that you sometimes show care to me (:
Thank you! :D
Lin jie! :D
Webcam okeh?! You promised de! ):
You one very cute jie :3
Thank you for your care! :D
Qi jie! :D
Don't so emo O:
We not that close anymore ):
Hope we can (:
Chuan kor! :D
Me miss die you ley! ):
Thanks you for all those MCs :DDDDD
Thanks kor! :D
Sammy mei! :D
Di/Mei! x: Guailan x:
Though idk you for tht long. (:
But, cuz you're call SAMMY! :D
Hailey jie, ♥
Know you for 3 years liao ley! :D
Thanks for all th care and stuffs! :D
I still remember your hug! :D
When I'm sec 1, :B

I'm happy to know all of you!
You all certainly brought laughters! :D

Yeahyeah, nao it's one by one. (:

Sherlene Laopo, don't be sucha gong-kia liao (:
Me here, no worries. :D
Miss those KL trip's memories. x:
All those projects we do together! :D
Playing ghost in ICC room x:
Taking peektures with you! :D
Lovely memories, I wouldn't forget one okeh!? ♥

Huiling Mama, you ah~
Another gong-kia! x:
You make laugh alot of times, esp when it's your reaction. x:
Hear more properly next time! :D
Okheokeh? :D
Mama for life! ♥

Jamie, a shoulder to lean on. (:
Helps me whenever I need it (:
Super funny girl! :D
Love ya! ♥

Suxian Sunye, super funny girl! x:
Always meet biantai stuffs. x:
Will confirm tell me one :D
Good to know I'm in your heart ah! :D

Siqi, :D
Idk why we will like that. >< Hope we can be better! :D

Yiqing Double Sugar Twinneh, :D
Okeh, I hate you at first. x:
Nao, who knows? o:
We are so nice twinnehs! ♥
"Cmon, let's talk~" Common line! :D
Love die you! ♥

Zarinar Qinaide, 2 years! ♥
Being there for me as always. (:
Don't so emo at times. :D
Or else I slap you! :D
Love you ttm! (:

Kalinda Laogong, guailan couple! :D
We are the most guailan couple! :D
You cheer us up at all times! (:
Love you! ♥

Ongting Sumo, :D
Tingting ah~
Cheer up okeh? :D
Don't make us worry so much! ):
Jiayous, (:
Loves. ♥

Sheryl mei, (:
Don't be so er xin okeh?! x:
Jiayou for your NA studies. (:
And be better than others de luh! :D
Lovelove. ♥

Hmmm. (:
Nao, Audi de frnds! :D

Melvin Zhu, :D
You are always by my side, when I need cheering up. (:
Always tease me, or anything. (:
Need cheering up also must tell me! :D
I'm happy to meet you. :D
Thanks for the phone calls when I'm bored or sad! :3
Loves. ♥

Marcus Bi, :D
Hmmmm. Nothing to say? x:
Happy to know you, (:
And thank you for all those concern and encouragements when I need them (:
Hope we don't quarrel again. *pouts*
Love ya. ♥

End of people already. (:

Most fun cca I had joined! :D
Tiongxim ICC okeh! :D
All my memories are there. (:
All those photo-takings with Mansor and Zhiquan! :D
Laughing and drawing in ICC!
Suan-ing of Weikiam! :D
Teehee. :B
Love ICC ttm! ♥

-AWE- and Epilogue! :D
Huat okeh! (:
Although -AWE- disband alr, but lotsa memories. :D
Though I never went out with them, but only last outing lahs x:
I love -AWE- okeh! ♥
Epilogue must be strong and last! :D
Loveloves. ♥

I knew them since last year. (:
And I fell in love with them.
A tiongxim Wonderful, cuz my heart will always go out to them! :D
See-ing them scaling to great heights nao, I'm happy for them! :D
-WonderGirls + WonderFuls = Wonder Equation! ♥-

Okeh okeh, :D
Last but not least;
Stay happy and hyper! :D
Still my best frnd yeah! :D

Ahnyong 2009.
Ahnyonghasaeyo 2010.
Ahnyong to those sad past, (:
Ahnyonghasaeyo to those happy starts, (:

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, December 30, 2009 12:15 AM
♥ Let these memories play like a silent movie.
Twins think alike.

Hello! :D
Was late for my meeting with qing this morning x:
Met her at econ :D
Then waited for Rayen to come out for school.
Walk-ed to cp :D
Did hmwk at KFC (:
Th guys are so irratating. Distracting x.x
Stupid rayen keep suan me with my nickname okeh! ):
WTH sia him. >[
Went to school. (:
Saw mrs ng like ghost sia.
Say we gave her crap ):
Was quite crappy. x:
Did hmwk thr till 4pm (:
Okeh, glen was saying jokes x:
We found out who was our CT -.-
Godhell. -.-
Class-tee can change to red liao (:
Went to hougang mall with kal, ting, zar and qing.
Pei kal return books.
Then qing's mama suddenly call.
Xia si us -.-
So me and her rushed bck to sengkang ><
Chatted on th phone with her when im otw home :D
Love her ttm! :D
Ahnyong! :D
xoxo. /♥

Sunday, December 27, 2009 11:38 PM
♥ Push me high.
Didnt post ystd! Sorry! ):

Ystd nothing much actually.
Dinner we had steamboat!
And my double sugar twinneh came over too!
Eat and chat alot.
Lotsa funny stuffs x:
Laugh until me cannot x:
Qing also hor! x:

Today uh..
Had 3G class outing! :D
Met at 9am at cp.
As usual, thr will people late (:
Went tm (:
Watch Treasure Hunters. O:
Okay lah the movie.
Just tht, actors acted well.
Storyline is no climax one o.o"
Aft that, we headed to Sentosa! (:
So damn boring okay i tell you. -.-
Okay lah, they say want play beach volley ball.
I watch okay de. (:
But hor, th guys snatched th ball and played their stuffs -.-

So me and qing went 7-11 see got rubber band.
cuz she want tie hair o.o
Then went bck. O:
All in water -.-
Play ball and we two damn sian.
We walked th bridge, go th other side.
Saw something super interesting okay! *winkwink*
1 cpl thr in water make out -.-
Qing saw it first. Then she told me.
Then I think they know we talking about them?
Keep looook at us. Make us two super uneasy.
So we decided to act as if we both talking on th phone! xD
Super stupid. ><
Waited for th guys to wash up.
Siyuan look like somr blind man with those shades. x:
Headed to kangqiao's house, condo. o.o
Had bbq (:
Glen laughing so loudly sia -.-
Played swing with zar and ting.
Ltr qing joined us. :D
She pushed me damn high -.-
Want me fly isit? x:
Went home with qing. (:
Nao waiting for her pics! :D
Peektures :D
Zarinar QAD! :DONGTINGTING! :DDOUBLE SUGAR TWINNEH! :DZAR AND TINGTING! :DCUTE LIL TWINNEH x:OMG. ZAR HAO "CUTE" x:Cam-whoring in progress x:Wth is she doing? x:
Ahnyong! :D
xoxo. /♥

Friday, December 25, 2009 4:00 PM
♥ All I want for Christmas is you.
All I want for Christmas is you.

Hai people. (:
Today very bored ):
Had to continue on my hmwk tmr alr ):

^^, Today went malaysia embassy to do mama's passport. O:
Very tired ):
Then went dentist to take off those threads in my mouth x.x
And I think I can take off my braces soooon! :DD
Super happy okay! :B
But, I think I will not used to it ):
Cuz its on my teeth for almost 2 years ><

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 12:40 AM
♥ All I want is you.
Didnt update! D:
Was really busy these days.
So today will be a 5 days post (:

School concert!
Bigbig success! :D
Met with Huiling at econ at 11.
But Im late x:
Slack-ed in CCA room.
Helped Kalinda with her hmwk x:
5 lines counted right? x:
Packed equipments and went to canteen.
I can only see make-up and costumes. -.-
And I saw my sister. xD
Godhell, her make-up. x:
Nice one x:
Helped to carry cartons of water -.-
Damn heavy -.-
We counted 330kg of water to SCH.
33 boxes, all on our bus -.-
Tired die ):
SCH, slacked and slacked.
Sat at our VIP seats x:
Cool leh (:
Really really mafan -.-
Take pics had to squat, cannot stand.
Cuz will block audience.
I like some duck, squatting at th front row. >[
Went to orchard road with relatives. (:
Then suppper! :D
Tiring day, I have to say. ):

Went out together with mama nad sister. (:
First, i think we went somewhere near clarke quay. O:
Cuz mama's interview mah.
Far. -.-
Then we MRT-ed to bugis street! :D
Squeezy. -.-
Saw th wallet Zar gave me O:
Kinda did shopping thr. ><
Mama bought us Christmas presents :D
Ty mama! ♥
Went home aftermath. (:
My body is aching due to th concert -.-
Arms and legs ):
Pain die. ):

Woke up damn late x:
About 4? x:
Then went for super late lunch at mac :D
Went home, hmwk-ed a lil :D
Wait for papa to come home from work.
And we went to have dinner+supper!
Nasi Lemak! :DD
Iloveit. :D

Went msia O:
Two purposes,
First, Eat tang yuan :D
Second, Pei mama do her passport.
Tangyuan was nice! :D
Ate 2 bowls x:
Went to aunt's house.
Long time nv go ><
Slept upstairs with sister and mama. :D
Terrible night due to my sister. ):
And I miss my bolster! ):

Woke at 9+ -.-
Super early.
Went to passport place.
And I tell you.
There's something wrong with msia's passport system okay!
1 word to describe! SUCK.
Waste time. -.-
And hai me wake up super early -.-
Had dinner and went home aftermath.
Tired. ):

All the summaries for th 5 days x:
Sorry eh? :D

Peektures! :D

xoxo. /♥

Thursday, December 17, 2009 10:33 PM
♥ A special night.
Tmr is school de concert :D
Anticipating! :D

Hahahaha. :D
Hope that tmr wun be tooo boredd ):
Meeeting huiling at econ first :D
Hmmmms, I hope to post some pics tmr! :D

Byebye!!! :D

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, December 16, 2009 1:16 AM
Today no updates x:
Sweet revenge, more like tht *laughs*

First. This is my Jiefu :D
Cute right!?
I draw one okay :D

Sorry jie, ):
Dont mean to expose your face.
I want to expose the one beside you :DD
xoxo. /♥

Monday, December 14, 2009 10:49 PM
♥ If my wound could get healed.
Hello! :D
These few days really nothing on ):
Boring shit. ):

Hmmm. My mouth healing soon (:
Tmr will start on my hmwk alr! :D
Cannot slack too much ><
Teehee :3

I think I go off (:
Bye people! :D

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, December 13, 2009 11:46 PM
♥ I saw you, yet I don't have my courage to talk.
My face currently is swollen ):
For people who saw it, thinks tht my cheeks look like hamster ):

Medicine sucks okay!
I nearly vomit -.-
God hell.
I swear I will never get sick or pluck teeth anymore. -.-
Off to watch IRIS. (:
Ltr will be playing audi (:
Tmr had to start on hmwk alr ):
No more slacking ):

Ahnyong! :D

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 11:20 PM
♥ It will hurt a little right?
Tmr is my pluck teeth day.
People don't call me (:
Or ask me out.
Resting at home for 1 week (:
My mouth should be in swollen mode. ):

See-ing huiling on friday (:
Cant go out on sat with qing they all ):
God hell D:
Hope I will recover faster! D:

xoxo. /♥

12:39 AM
♥ Can you feel my heart?
Hello (:
Sorry didn't update ><
Kinda lazy ><

Had my first and last AWE outing (:
Met up with zx,zr with sx at hougang MRT.
MRT-ed to DG MRT station (:
Met up with AWE-ers (:
And they are quite late I must say x:
Bought our 13 tickets to new moon. o:
And we wasted 1 ticket leh! ):
Sx damn xin tong x:
Then we went to J-Cube. (:
Damn cold okay! ):
And me and zar keep complaining of stomach pains ):
Then got some people sitting behind watching us -.-
Zar gave me th -.- face.
I nearly laugh out loud x:
I won lala in 9k x:
Wahahaha xD
Then we watched new moon. ):
Frigging cold inside.
And I forgot about my jacket -.-
I cuddled next to zar ><
They went to eat after th movie.
MRT-ed home with sx (:
Nice memories together (:
And me and sx actually can get up.
Cuz me, sx and lala actually conf til 1am++!

Hmms, these days actually nothing much (:
I entercounted with 1 lil bitch who thinks she's not a hypocrite. (:
HAHAHAHAAH. She messes with erxinren. -.-
God hell.

I shall make myself not so nervous before tht date.
Actually Im feeling afraid..

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, December 2, 2009 12:58 PM
♥ Tears are salty, aren't they?
Hmms, today is th third day of F&N.
Tmr's th last (:

We cooked chicken fillets! (:
Hmm.. Was quite nice lah x:
And i handled th chicken like I have hatred towards it.
So funny luh! ><
Cooked them 3,6,9 mins (:
3 min not cooked de ): And i ate it. God -.-
Others okay lah (:
Hmms nothing else i guess (:

Ltr gng msia to get my hair rebond and cut. ):
And cut real short ):
People, dont get shocked to see my short hair D:
Getting bangs too (:
Hmms, people who missed my bangs (: Anticipate! :D
And im not being BHB here ((:

Now, Im feeling afraid.
The feeling of it hurts, alot.
I guess.
I cant be crying already.
I cried enough yesterday.
So let my tears go dry.
And I myself use whats remaining in me.
Face it.
I can pull through?
If I can.
And after much crying,
I realised.
Tears are salty, right?

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, December 1, 2009 1:09 AM
♥ When I open my eyes.
Hello! (:
Hmmms, today went to school for F&N lessons.
And I got myself some seriosu flu ):
My nose is dropping off soon! ):

F&N lesson was FUN at first.
Cuz we did some investigative stuffs. (:
Ate chips and peanut butter! xD
Skippy! <3
Drank coke,pepsi and COFFEE. -.-
God shit. I hate coffee -.-
It taste like plain water with th coffee powder -.-
3 cups ): I spit out th last one.
Bitter to its max ):
Coke was nice (:
Omg, chips ah. ^^
We guessed the right brands sia (:
Tchr ask us to choose which one we like most.
Gosh, who dont like chips? x:
And me and Isabel siaodingdong saw Glen drip some of his coke bck..
Into the jug -.-
Eew. x.x

Had theory aftermath ):
Boring to th max x.x
Me actually sniffing like mad you know ):
Flu D:

Hmmms, had some nap.
Hoping it will clear up my flu.
But it didnt.
In fact, it became worse ):

Gotta sleep nao (:
Tmr still have lessons! (:
Yeehaa (:
Wanan people :DD

xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
