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Friday, October 30, 2009 11:16 PM
♥ Why do I cry like that when I'm smiling?
Today skipped lessons one whole day!
Hah, did some SDMA shooting today.
Like wth, acting was okay.
But when upload into mac, -.-
Th vid sucks, in terms of angles and its jerky!

Gotta retake. ):
Monday - Rehearsal.
Tuesday - Shooting.
5,6,7 Nov - ICC Camp.
Gotta ton i think.
Cuz, late night shooting in th toilet! LOL! xD
Fun ehs? (:

Today improvise on the takes.
Nothing to do with me, i just give them comments.
Then i started to zi-bi in ICC room.
I went drawing on the whiteboard.
I drew th floor plan. LOL.
Wth, keep suan wei kiam like mad.
All laugh dao stomach ache. x:
Then all went wrong track i tell you!
We went digging out past competitions, vids or school vids.
Play-ed them not th normal way, the rewind way.
I tell damn funneh! xD
All laugh dao, stomach ache & tears gna come out soon. ><

Now am blogging about today!
Hope kalinda go OBS have fun, BUT.
faster come bck save us D:

Ahnyong (:

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 10:09 PM
♥ Those hurtful memories.
Nihao! :D
Didnt update, sorrys! D:

Good news!
I didnt drop to NA! :D
But need drop A Maths D:
Sad lah, but maybe its better. ):

Hmmmm, had a super long meeting! D:
Yeah, fixed up th SDMA script alr! (:
Good yeahs! can strt shooting soon :D
That stupid Brandon!
Choose wrong time to leave eh! D:
Now leave, I need to take over his jobs of sound manager D:
Rahh. I abit forgot liaos ><
Having camp on 5,6,7 in sch for SDMA over night shooting! (:
Should be fun bahs x:
People miss me okay! x:
Aha, end here le bah :D

Ahnyong. (:

Why do I get lost in th first place?

xoxo. /♥

Monday, October 26, 2009 10:33 PM
♥ Everything turns into such a big lie.
Yooh! (:
Practical life = No life -.-

Wed gng changi airport for maths trail -.-
Go thr count airplanes x: *joke*
Today abit kisiao x:
Hmmm, sch was boring? x.x
Ahs, i seriously was afraid of my results. D:
Go stone lerh (:

Ahnyong! (:

There's this girl.
She smile at th slightest thing.
She cry at th slightest thing.
Do weird things everyday.
She tries to cheer friends up.
She also tries to hide her fear of being lonely.
Only people who are lonely,
they can show love to people around them.
Do you think this type of girl,
even exists?

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, October 25, 2009 12:30 AM
♥ A stab in th heart.
Yoh! (:
Aha, today nothing particular happened x:
hmm, i think i dont go out often.
So i tend to stay at home.
Even i get to go out, i would feel lazy x:

Just yoshi to have dinner.
And mama drive-d me and sis to tamp-ikea o:
Walk-ed arnd and bought alot of junk food in giant x:
hohoh x:
Hmmm, SDMA gna start soon.
And kal wasnt happy with th script D:
They chnged th script and i think shld be better bah :D
Strt-ing filming nxt week (:
And will have outdoor scenes i think O:
Shld be fun bah xD
If anyone of you happen to see me, rmb say hello. x:
But i think quite impossible x.x

Ahnyong! :D

Everything ends with a tear.
I hope th rain would come and sweep me away.
Along with th rain;
No one would know im crying.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, October 23, 2009 10:25 PM
♥ 心中的一个美丽的爱.
Boos! (:
Sorrys, ystd when to msia again. ><
Horrendous results.
What to do. D:
I cant laugh over it, neither cry.
What am i suppose to do?

Sometimes i really do wonder,
whether people really appreciate what i have done;

or just making use of what im doing for them?
My stupidity. or ignorance to everything.
Be it,
friends? betrayals? Something else?
I dont seem to care, but actually i do.
I dont want to make myself seem th weak one.
Everyone has their weak side.
But amongst my friends,
im th strongest, happiest.
For my friends,
i keep on smiling, laughing.
For them, I will.
Would someone appreciate?
I hope someone do.
I would smile on more...

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 7:02 PM
♥ Thinking back to those beautiful moments.
Yoohoos (:
Aha, woke up at 11plus.
Head-ed to koufu to meet qing.
When we walk-ed, duh like always wad we do.
Heart-to-heart talk. o:
Its like we had been doing tht since sec1.
She knows wad am i thinking about. >< Like i got problems, or i thinking about something. She can see -.- Like duh, i made it so obvious. Stupid me x.x Met kal at cp. And our zarinar is always late O: Walk-ed to rivervale mall and pei qing go daiso. O: Thn when she choose hao her things. Me and kal go to th enterance wait for her, cuz she disappeared. Thn we saw her, she ask us come. Thn here's th conv between me and her.

Me: 什么?
Qing: Whey, 你拿我的钱包.你要我怎么付钱?
Me: Oh!! Paiseh ><

LOL. Gong eh me. x:
Thn ate at KFC.
As usual we will laugh like mad, cuz our kalinda is here. (:
And Qing is deaf okay!
I ask her 3 times : 你要fries吗?
She nv answer me, i was like sua.
Thn she third time thn hear dao.
She ask me:你叫我啊?
I was like -.- , : 没有没有!我在叫kalinda! x:
Thn she scold me guailan ><

Thn our zarinar finally arrive okay! Veh long.
And purposely stared at her when shes eating x:
LOL, thn walk-ed home alone as usual.
Th road to my house, was long today.
Many thoughts came to my mind. I
dk how to react or feel now.
Sorry for making my frnds worry. D:
And i worrying for a particular someone, tht person know who she is! ):

Anws, ty shazhu for cheering me up <3

Ahnyong! (:

Maybe life ahead is much harder than now.
I hope to be th hyper and cheerful girl in everyone's eyes.
Hope so..

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:55 PM
♥ 你那背影让我念念不忘.
yoohoos! :D
Hmm, had to say, today was indeed a boring one.

Firstly, i tot hols was fun.
But now i seriously realised it isnt as fun as i tot. Ha.
How naive. x.x
These days was veh veh frustrated.
I didnt want to show it to my frnds, like duh.
Who wants to make them worry? -.-
Then thts uber stupid, okay! ._.

Watch-ed DN Angel at home and play-ed audi x.x
Practically thats my daily lifestyle.
How no social life is that? -.-

Suan le, dont want to make my blog a ranting place yeah.
Hmm, shall go off and stone maybe.

Ahnyong. ):

Why god made us so complicated?

xoxo. /♥

Monday, October 19, 2009 5:05 PM
♥ Hypocrites do exists.
Today morning, Kalinda cor at 8 plus.
Damn early cans! x.x
And ask me to bring something tht we didnt use ._.
Box you lah Kalinda. ._.

I walked to qing's house early in th morning x.x
Thn shopped for ingredients. O:
For Zarinar de present luh. x:
Shepherd's Pie! :D
Kay, im th main chef x:
Cuz im a F&N student. ._.
Okay, i suddenly flustered and im talking to th potatoes. -.-
They say i got zi bi zheng leh! D:
Okay, admit. x:
Who would talk to potatoes in the first place man! ><

Waited for th pie, so played with qing's piano. :D
Okay seriously i was retarded okay.
I only pressed 1 key x:
And it totally suits th whole song! :D
And i high x:
Heh. ><
Before leaving for cp, we talked about our character xD
We first say kalinda, was like damn funneh!
Laugh like mad. x:
Me and kalinda lie on bed laugh like mad kiddos x:
One part of th conv is:
Yiqing: 她很guailan. 心情不好,会scribble.
Me: ahnorh!
Kal: 哪里有!
Thn they say me. x.x
Quite true though x:
Pro eh them, know me so well x:
Heh. ><

Meet with zar and tingting.
Gave zar th pie. :D
She cried sia! O:
Xia dao wo men! x.x

Chatted in mac and kal came my hse o:
Did her art research. O:
Thn watched tv x:
Am now blogging :D
Shall go and take a hot bath! :D

Ahnyong! :D

There's a sentence;
" Everything has a limit."
Seriously you had pushed th limit way over.
Did you think im that gullible?
although im slow on th outside,
But inside i aint slow.
Ah, whatever.
Seriously, if one day i snap.
Dont blame me, cuz everything is your fault.
Im not th hypocrite, you are th one.

1:25 AM
♥ Yearning for something that dont exist.
Ello! :D
Currently its 1.30am o.o
Okayokay. late huh? D:
Unable to sleep. Insomnia. x.x

Hmmm, just came bck from msia.
Great-grandmother is recovering! ^^
Hmmm, gng thr nxt thursday too.
Aha, :D
These few days shld be frigging bored bah x.x
Ahs, nvm.
I didnt know thursday we would be getting bck our papers! D:
Feeling uber nervous now okays! x.x
*prays* x:

Shall grab some beauty sleep liao x.x
Eyebags all coming out. D:
Plus i cut short and trim my hair today.
So diff D:
Ahs! D:

Ahnyong! :D

Happeh Birthdeh Zarinar Qinaide! <3

Sunday, October 18, 2009 1:17 AM
♥ Sometimes its reality.
sorry sorry.
Aint updating D:
Exams are finally over! ^^
*jumps for joy!*

Okayokay, screwed my amaths and emaths ._.
But, F&N was uber easy! x:
Easier than i expected. :D
Hmmm, shall not talk about bloody exams kay? ^^

Okay! Im alr in holiday mood x:
Aha, goood wad.
Its since two bloody weeks i hadn't touch this comp of mine. x.x
Long eh? D:
Had been using tht fone of mine to msn or blog.
Hais, hope for th best for my exams D:
If i gna fail, i tell you i will cry.
Its seriously not nice, since i put in so much efforts.
okayokay, stop ranting alr ><

Hahah, shall grab some sleep alr ^^
Tmr heading to msia to visit my great-grandmother.
Hope she gets well soon :D

Ahnyong kiddos! <3
I know you miss me this period of time right! x:
Just joking ><

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, October 10, 2009 6:16 PM
♥ I cant turn time bck anymore.
Hmm, short post yeah?
Cant update much using hp D:

Emaths paper 1 tmr. x.x
Sudden fear and anxiety.
Hmm, didnt sleep much ystd.
Thinking about wad i said. And you said.
Aha, ><

Aja aja ;D

Certain things,
Things tht dont belong to you;
They will never be yours.
How silly of me,
Tot tht all those dont matter.
It does matter.
I cant turn bck time,
Nor make it right.
Cuz knowing you was a mistake.

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 1:51 AM
♥ I feel your presence.
Nihao ^^.
Okay, blogskin still screwed D:
Sorryaye D:

Hmmm, today took english and chinese paper 2, O:
Hmmm, english abit hard. x.x
Chinese ah.
In front chiong. x:
Behind i started to stone alr D:
God, i realised some answers wrong lah! D:
Howhowhow? D:
Feeling down due to that. D:
My moodswings is on and off everyday. ._.
4 papers down i must say! ;D
Aja aja! ;D

Hmmm, tmr is normal sch day. O:
Shall pop into bed. ><
Wanan! <3


xoxo. /♥

Monday, October 5, 2009 1:03 AM
♥ Fill up this empty heart of mine.
Nihao nihao. ;D
Hmm, today will have a short update yeah? O:

Sorry peeps, D:
For this screwed up blogskin. x.x
Tolerate it a lil kays? ><
Will change a new one aft exams! ;D
Which is 16 oct ._.
Hais, stomach in knots again D:
Whatever, ><

Ahnyong! ;D
Sleepyhead. ><

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, October 4, 2009 1:31 AM
♥ Emptiness.
Oh, today was normal O:
Hvn live out of my bad moods. ><

Stone-d thru th day. D:
No spirit, life in me, first time ._.
Xiexie zhu for cheering me up yeah? ;D
Nothing to say.
Having serious moodswings lately x.x

Shall work harder for exams ;D
Aja aja! <3
Ahnyong! ;D

Why this empty feeling stuck me unexpectedly?

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, October 3, 2009 6:37 PM
♥ 那大雨,让我好孤独. 
Today suck big time okay!
Dont ask me why,
I aint in my bestest mood. ._.
Bloody hell; screw life.

Happy thing is tht 2 papers have past. ;D
Angry thing is im nervous,
My stomach is knots. ._.
I stone, at a exam!
Oh please, find some chopper and kill me.
Idk wad i wrote. x:
But managed not to black out. ^^
Hope for th best huh?

Hmmm, shall pop into bed. ;D
Wanan peeps! ^^
Ahnyong! <3


xoxo. /♥

Thursday, October 1, 2009 10:19 PM
♥ Tears flow; continuously.
Okay i tell you, im still a child okay! x:
Got a great surprise from mrs ng! ;D
I was walking out of class w Kalinda t th toilet.
Once i walked out, i saw mrs ng with..
A box of lollipops! <3
Other than tht!
Mrs ng gave us a sotong keychain! ;D
Its made by herself okay! ;D
We are all so touched ><
At th age of 15,
Fancy us getting children day presents x:
And th whole class screamed! x:
I lovee mrs ng to th extreme max! <3

Tmr is english and chinese paper 1 D:
Veh nervous. x.x
Im afraid i will black out! D:
Pui! ._. Touch wood.
Wish me good luck ehs? ;D
3G jiayou! ;D

Shall go and revise alr x.x
Ahnyong! ;D

xoxo. /♥

12:26 AM
♥ You are a star i can hold onto.
ahnyonghasayyo ;D
Aha, today was uber fun i must say! xD

Was veh tired lah x.x
Cuz cant really sleep much ystd D:
Hmmm, eoy is 2 days away? x.x
*faints* god, time flies real fast D:
Maths lesson confirm veh funny! X:
Kalinda shouted across th class.
Then whole class looked at her x:
Aha! Damn paiseh de leh! xD
Then some class jokes, whole class laughed till peng x:
More info at qing de blog ;D

Aft sch went cp w Kalinda and qing ;D
Didnt had lunch but had icecream ><
Aha, aftermath Kalinda was laughing like mad. X:
I followed and qing said she dk us x:
Oh, veh funny i tell you x:

Had a great day, ;D
I hvn receive any encouragements! D:
Saded D:

Aha, Ahnyong! <3

xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
