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Tuesday, September 29, 2009 11:44 PM
♥ White lies.
Helllo! ;D
School suck big time today i must say ._.
Emo-ed thru th lessons. D:

Bad things happened tht made my mood go downn. D:
Lessons okay lah, except for maths and english.
Read passage at th end add in echoes. x:
Maths lesson give physics formula! xD
Wads wrong! ><
More details at yiqing's blog! ;D

Sorryaye zarinar QAD. D:
Yeah, xD patched alr x:
Hao jiemei hor! <3

Thts all, ;D
Ahnyong! <3

xoxo. /♥

Monday, September 28, 2009 6:29 PM
♥ Maybe its not me after all.
Hello! ;D
Today was a normal school day though O:
Nothing much. ><

Hmm, exams starting this friday! D:
Ah! D:
Worrying though. x.x
Anyone give me some encouragement? ><
Would be greatly appreciated ;D
Today is oral day -.-
God, stammered and trembling all th way ._.
English isnt my best i must say x:

Shall chiong some maths ;D
Ahnyong kiddos! ;D

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, September 26, 2009 7:07 PM
♥ Random my lovee. <3
Aha! :D Surely a happy thing! :D
Grow taller yeahs? x:
Love ya! ♥

This is th lil tee we gave her! :D
Cute nors! :D
Random and others gave her de!
Siliang ; Huiling ; Sherlene ; Suxian ; Siqi!

Peektures! Moooo~ Drink more milk x:
Front view! :D
Back view! :D

Hmm, went to cp to eat breakfast w RANDOM! :D
Surely first official outing :D
Laugh-ed, Camwhore-d :D
Aha! Thats all :D
P.S. : Ongtingting was late for 1 hr 15 min x: !

Kalinda Laogong! ♥Zarinar QAD! ♥-.- , Focus totally on me and CYQ.CYQ! ♥ *winks & show th L sign!* Ongtingting! ♥

Ahnyong! :D

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 3:20 PM
♥ Everything changed in a blink of an eye.
Hello! :D
Hmm, sorrys didnt update x.x
So my blog is kinda dead D: Hais.

School's hectic, i didnt even had a chance to relax yeah! D:
Okay, i tell you.
Samantha Neo has been doing maths almost everyday. x.x
Its driving her crazy. D:
Tmr had to hand up E maths Graph hmwk and A maths 48 qns! D:
I actually counted them x:
I disgraced myself in physics class ystd okay!
Tsktsk, 丢脸死了! x.x
This was happened in class ystd:
Thumb doesnt know th rdm codes.
So me had to tell her, as im sitting beside. x:
I was showing her th praying sign. *inside joke*
It was one of our signs lah! x:
Mr cheong saw it and then-
MrC: Samantha, wad are you doing? Praying to god ah?
Me: *gave th eh face* Oh! x:
*whole class laughed like mad*
See, how i disgraced myself. x.x
And Mr cheong still ask Index this morning about me.
MrC: Eh yiqing, wad was samantha doing ystd?
Index: Oh!!! Nothing nothing x:
MrC: She dancing isit? I cnt imagine Samantha dance!
-.- , Thanks mr cheong!

Class has realised tht glen doesnt had any common sense x:
Veh funneh i tell you.
See Yiqing's blog for more inside news.
Anws, her blog got alot of my ugly news -.-
All my stupid stuffs of this yr, all in her blog! Rah! D:

Hmm, shall post some overdue pics nxt time.
Prolly aft EOY bah x.x
EOY starting on 2nd oct.
Thn got 1 week of studying week.
THn officially start! D:
God, spare me please? D:

Shall bathe and aftermath got take a short nap! :D
I kept dozing off in class today. x.x
Aft tht, shall chiong A-E maths alr! :D
Aja aja! :D
Ahnyong! :D

Everything changed so rapidly.
True enough, time doesnt wait for anyone.
People changed because of certain things.
This is true too.
Now, i dont care what people want to treat me.
Im always treated like junk or noone?
Someone says: There will be someone who will appreciate you. (:
Ha, nah.
You are utterly wrong;
You would not, and noone would.
At this point of time;
I seriously dont give a damn anymore.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, September 18, 2009 6:11 PM
♥ Hollow heart.
Hmmmm, sorry people. x.x
EOY coming and so i would not be able to blog that often yeah? :D

Happened alot lately. x.x
And today F&N lesson veh funneh! xD
There's this conv between me and glen.
Glen: Why you always have th same expression ah? Like veh sad.
Me: Har? Im always like tht de, stone mah. :D
LOL, uber random. x:
Uhhh, E maths and A maths full-force revision is killing me.
Mrs ng ask us to buy another A maths assessment book x.x
Alr got 1 E maths de. *faints* D:

Hmm, huiling came my hse to have some shelter as it was raining heavily x.x
But i love th rain! <3
Gives me a sense of security; :D aha!
Shall end here, :D
Ahnyong! :]

You once made me feel beautiful.

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:31 PM
♥ The past is gone, and i shall move on.
Ahnyonghasayo! :D
Seriously, Ongting drew on my ankle. x.x
Actually my thigh got more, Isabel siaotingdong did it. x.x

Vandalised. x: Im Ongting's! x:

Hmm, school was okay.
Got chased out of class -.-
Which wasnt th first time D:
Fell sick today, had serious nose blocks! D:
Had many many things on my mind now x.x
Dk why, keep on thinking.
The past and present, everything.
Gotta go. :D
Ahnyong! :D
P.S. : Dont think too much; :D

The past has been bothering me lately;
Thought that i can actually keep it aside.
But i realised i cant.
I flipped back those photographs,
saw you and my tears came rolling down unexpectally.
i dont wish to cry due to this painful past.
i happy enough to say,
im glad i liked you and forget you now.
Glad that we are back to square one.
The present was troubling too.
I think about wad you said to me.
Jokes? Lies? Or the truth?
Ha, i shall be that ignorant dumb girl,
who knows nothing.

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:50 PM
♥ ♥ Lotsa lotsa lotsa lovee.
ello ello! :D
Cca was fun! :D
Hmm, was late cuz couldnt wake up ><
Jeez, should'nt have slept late ystd x:

Cca was tough as usual. D:
Instructor Gerry likes to be a paparazzi, -.-
Snap here, snap thr. ._.
And its up on fb tmr! D:
Tsktsk, maybe i shall accept th fact. x.x

Hmmm, i took peektures of huiling and th full set-up! :D
Huiling ah, we seem to accept th fact tht we are meant to be snap by gerry uh? x:
Aha, peektures! :D

Ahnyong! :D

Huiling mama; cute nors! <3

So much equipments; im beside her! x:
Huiling is my official model x:
Actual studio set-up! cool hor! :D
xoxo. /♥

Friday, September 11, 2009 12:44 AM
♥ 你的微笑,只能给我那短短的幸福。
Hmm, boring day i must say.
Rot at home, and in uber good mood! :D
Due to something of cuz x:

Now, doing F&N essay. D:
Okay. QAD and shazhu in low spirits D:
You two ah, cheer up okay! Me here! <3

Ahnyong! :D

Oh hello? Are you excusing yourself?
From me? What have i done actually?
You had actually beared so much hatred for me.
I didnt hate you, you know?
You started it first.
Now wad?
Me going peaceful with you?
I dont see why, what i can do;
you cant.
Stop giving excuses.
Hate me,
Come right up to me.
Say all kinds of craps in front of me.
Dont go around back-stabbing me.
Dont think you back-stab me, idk.
I knew everything, okay!
Eff you, okay! eff you.
Grow up and get a life.

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, September 9, 2009 5:27 PM
♥ I am no one, but treat me like someone.
*waves madly*
trying my best to post everyday! :D
Hmm, went out studying again with sherlene! :D

We went cp for breakfast; Hotcakes! <3
Then Zarinar QAD♥ came, i ask her to eat my hashbrown. O:
She did a-e maths paper and we did chem. O:
She left for a movie! Ps us D:
Thn me and sher sat thr for 6 hrs. x:
Hardly move, totally sitting thr with full attention.
We almost finished th 10 yrs series x:
Th topics we learned lah, but some blanks D:
Pro uhs x:
Maths have to chiong alr! D:

Hmm, thts all. :D
Ahnyong. :D

Whatever you said,
Lies? or the truth?
Or they are a bunch of nonsense;
where no one pays any attention to?
Why do i always never learn?
Always repeatively making the same mistakes?
Woke up in the morning,
teared at nothing.
Cant even get some sleep.
I cared about everyone's opinions, thoughts; everything.
Dont treat me like junk;
when i treat you like a true friend.
Regardless of anything.
I am no one to you,
But do treat me like human.
I entertain to all your craps,
Isn't it time for you to stop?
Consider my own predicament,
give me some understanding that i need.
No you didnt,
you gave me endless crap.
End your craps,
or go away.

xoxo. /♥

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 6:56 PM
♥ You're like a difficult maths question.
Boo! xD
Hmm, just reach-ed home aft some torturing maths session with sherlene! :D
Cold si lerh. D:
Freezing to death, and some perfume guys were sitting nxt to us.
Stink-ed up th place and i sneezed much harder -.-

God, finished some hmwk. :D
Got abit of acomplishment. :D
Huhuhu x:

Aha, shall do hmwk. :D
Shazhu ah, i dont sound like your mama okay! >[
Aiyah, when im in better moods, thn i wun sound like your mama! D:

Ahnyong peeps :D

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, September 5, 2009 12:57 AM
♥ I see nothing for me to rely on anymore.
Got bck result slip.
Utterly horrendous.
Failed 4 subs. and its th most most impt subjects.
Nothing much.
This results made me happy and sad.
Happy cuz i improved my maths.
Sad cuz i failed 4 subs and i should start worrying whether i would drop to NA.
I should go and reflect.

i got this.
reprimand me or scold me. go ahead.
i tried my everything, esp in that sub.
i improved, bt th other two just idk.
i also dont want to.
i would try get better ones for this year end.
i try.
Its no use.
Thrs no point crying over spilled milk.

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 5:33 PM
♥ 忽然发现这一刻我不想你了。
School is awfully tiring. D:
And EOY are coming D:
Rahhhh. Gimme a break, will anyone? x.x

Gave mrs ng a uber nice surprise party! :D
And tht morning i was late for sch D:
Cuz i slept at 3am th night before to finish th tchr day card! O:
No one wake me up, esp my sis -.-
Late by 1hr x:
Stoned in maths class, got my a maths results!
Godgodgod! I finally see double digit! 11/30 x:
Though its still a fail x.x
Aft tht was tchr day celebration. :D
Sing songs in th hall, was veh high with Isabel Siaodingdong x:
We both then run to my house to collect th card and cake. :D
Thn th guys bluff-ed mrs ng say got fight.
Mrs ng as usual worried, so came and took a look.
Thn show-ed her our self-made vid by th guys! :D
Tchr dk is laugh til got tears or really touched by our sincerity :D
Laugh-ed like mad and had cake. :D
Thn see junwei dance sorry sorry LOL.
Thn gna go home.
Qing suggested we shld go cp to slack or maybe stone.
Qing: Eh, go cp?
Kal: Orh okay! :D
Qing: Samantha, want go mah?
Me: *wakes from stoning mode* Sui bian. :D
Tingting: I go also luh.
Walkwalkwalk. Qing say she dontwant go, want go home. -.-
Sua, left me, kal and ting.
I super gong and i asked;
Me: Eh! Why am i following your ah? o.o
Kal: Good question! I also dont know x:
Me: *-.- face* then your go for?
Kal: Go thr take bus lah. Fei hua -.-
Me: Wth! then i follow for? Sua, i go home. Byebye. :D
Thn saw qing walk bck o:
Cuz she say she saw someone, thn i asked her dont look! xD
As usual, walked home alone.
Stoned all th way home. :D

Woah, today was tiring D:
During maths lesson suddenly th PA system got tht music come out.
We laugh-ed like mad.
Cuz our jokers Glen and Taff was making jokes out of it.
Tchr also cnt stop laughing.
So didnt teach either x:
Oh ya oh ya!
I must say, before i forgot!
Happy 3rd month, RANDOM! <3
Aha. We always forget ._.
Found some stalker tht freak Zarinar QAD out. O:
Tsktsk. >[
Kalinda came my house play-ed audi and we was talking about smth.
Veh LOL, she veh fan luh!
From aft sch, she has been saying th same thing into my ears. -.-
I give her tht -.- face and she laugh-ed, and i laugh-ed. Idk why x:
She left for pineapples D: [inside story x:]
She want pineapples dont want me! D:
Kalinda, tmr i feed you pineapples xD
Hmm, i think i go bathe, off comp and sleep.
Lastly, cry :D
Cry for th show! Im not tht insane but im sometimes :D
Ahnyong! :D


xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
