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Friday, August 28, 2009 11:17 PM
♥ Sometimes i wish i can just walk away.
sorryaye for not updating! x:
Busy with tests and mrs ng de card! O:
Andandand! I did a proving trigo qns by myself! :D
Oh my tian! xD

Today's trigo a maths test was horrendous as usual.
But! I did something in history!
I did a proving qns without help! xD
Hohohoh! :D
F&N test also got good results!
17/20! :D

Aft school, chiong finish last bit of hmwk.
Had this bigbig mistake!
Me and qing had this slip of mind.
We asked Zarinar QAD whether she want to follow us to KFC to eat -.-
She was like O.O har? x:
Sorryayes QAD ><

Walk-ed to cp with kalinda LG and qing.
On th way, all of us abit guailan x: dk why.
Thn went KFC have lunch.
When we finished, we had this interesting chat. x:
Qing: We guess who first one to marry.
Kal: Nono! Who first to stead.
Me: O.O orh okay.
Qing: i think hor is zarinar, ongting, kalinda, me then samantha.
Kal: *laughs* you have little confidence in samantha!
Qing: Ltr she first one to stead, i laugh!
*laughs madly in KFC*
Ltr thn conf is getting veh no link.
Laugh-ed like mad, somemore in KFC.
Conf not good to reveal x: teehee :3
Laugh until we 3 stomach ache. xD
Went to library, did mrs ng de card.
Thn walk home alone as usual. D:

Reach-ed home, Slept and eat and cry. D:
Ahnyong thts all :D

You made me feel so vulnerable.

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, August 22, 2009 7:57 PM
♥ My tears did flow for you.

Hmm, nothing happen much.
Today's cca was a blast! xD
Learn those names for camera equipments and a real set-up!
God, and learn-ed about th wireless mic thingy x.x
Zzz, have to hide th wire inside th tee.
Poke our hand under th tee and hide it well.
Wth, its abit obsence uh. ><

Suan le, :D
I think i go revise abit of my a maths D:
Monday got ST D:
Which would kill me totally D:
Ahnyong guys! :D

It rained yet i dont feel happy.
Yet my heart is crying by itself.
Who cares anyway,
i dont even care anymore.
Cuz my tears will soon dry up.
xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, August 19, 2009 9:46 PM
♥ Remember your departing back.
Hmm, my hip is hurting as usual, since monday. x.x
Hais, like tht luh.
Walk like a bai ka luh. Damn idiotic. D:

Hmm, screw-ed ystd and today's a maths and chem tests! D:
Rahhh! D:
Taught sherlene LP about th sin, cos and tan graphs. :D
ahahha! :D
Ohya, today in school play-ed;
Truth. No dare. LOL.
Heart to heart answering between members of clique x.x
Hao sensitive. x:

Thts all bah!
Wanan! :D
Ahnyong~ :D

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, August 16, 2009 11:26 PM
♥ In a universe where i only see you.
Hmm, today was normal, boring.
Woke at 8am for tuition.
In th end went thr tchr cor in MC -.-
I was like WTH.
Hai me so early wake up when i can sleep for few hours D:

Nothing else.
I go le lah :D
Ahnyong :D

xoxo. /♥

12:39 AM
♥ Your dazzling smile.
im back for updates x.x
Now watching tv :D
Hmm, nothing much.

Today CCA was fun! :D
Omg, we came back for training!
Hmm, for SDMA luh.
I train on audio parts lah.
Hold th 3metres de boompole for 2mins ==
Now hand ache alr.
Plus need use 1 hand change sides.
Tht boompole is dontknow how heavy okay!
Guys hold alr th face so pale.
You think my size can mah? x:
But veh funnnnn! :D
Sot ehs? ><

Came back home, sleep until 5 plus ><
Pig hors? x.x
Thn my uncle come kajiao me. -.-
Kajiao me sleep. D:
Sua. ._.
Went cp for dinner.
LRT-ed home and watch BOF de NGs!
So funneh! xD

Hmm, thts all for today le bah :D
Ahnyong! Wanan! :D

From the book To forgot you:
I will be contented;
Even with 2hours of tears alone,
But 1 second of kiss with you.

Your dazzling smile,
will i be able to see it again?
I dont think so,
cuz you left me long ago.

xoxo. /♥

Thursday, August 13, 2009 11:40 PM
♥ Typical lies.
School was practically tiring x.x
Today changed seat! D:
Ahhhh, nvms. :D
Clique sitting near me okay de lah! :D

Today I realised A maths teach de R-Formula quite hao wan de x:
Anws, tqs papa!
Buy new phone for me :D Old one with 2 yrs plus of memories was gone. D:
Ahnyong, takecare ><
Sot! x:

After sch, i pack hao bag.
Then i realised i tio ps-ed again. -.-
Went home alone as usual. D:
Still owe ton and tons of hmwk! x.x
Ohya, as usual sitting near glen and taff.
Their laughters as usual flood th class.
Laugh until my stomach pain like mad. ><
Aha, monk this job no salary! x:
Laugh until whole class went up-side down! xD

Ahnyong! :D

I saw th chat,
i didnt feel anything.
i feel extremely happy.
You freako.
Go back to your bloody ROLA. :D
Yeah, you can say im mad :D

xoxo. /♥

Monday, August 10, 2009 11:15 PM
♥ Your smile brightens up my life.
The fireworks chio hor! I took it when i was stoning x:
Ystd went to NDP!
We used our passes to go in. :D
Which was nice!
Zarinar QAD brave uhs! :D
This post shall be a picturey post x:
Ahnyong! :D
xoxo. /♥

Sunday, August 9, 2009 10:49 AM
♥ Just a moment of anxiety.
Nihao! :D
sorry sorry no post ><
Busy and sick and stuffs.
Never-ending x:

Hmm, went back to sch alr. like duhs.
Audi tio hacked, dont feel like playing anymore. D:
Hmwk piling up, due to fever and stuffs.
Later gng marina bay for charity work! :D
with suxian,zarinar QAD,sherlene LP,huiling MM and siqi! :D
Hahah, jamie didnt come D:
Sadded. D:

Nothing else, i think.
I go bathe liao, or else ltr late.
Suxian will kill me x.x
Ahnyong! :D

Loneliness overwhelmed me.
Sitting in a small corner and stone there.
See-ing th rain fall from th sky,
my heart felt as if its crying.
Why am i feeling all these?
Cuz i lack of friends?
Or im just a pathetic stone-r in school?
I dont wish to know anymore.

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:17 PM
♥ Sick-ness spree!
woah woah woah!
Everyone is getting sick! O:
I just recovered! But huiling mama is sick! O:
Get well soon! :D
Hmm, my audi acc tio hack ==
Wth, tht bastard come hack until i yi wu shuo you! D:
SUA, i shall earn all bck! :D

Ahnyong! :D

xoxo. /♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
