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Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:22 PM
♥ Sick-ness strucks me.
Hais, now having fever and extreme flu D:
Alr used up 1 box of tissues D:

Didnt go school today,
bloody hell, temp is ups and downs.
Now whole body ache like mad.
Imma official old ladaye! x.x
Thats all,
I go rest liao D:

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, July 25, 2009 11:08 PM
♥ Can my tears still remember you?
Nothing much today.
But my cheesy fingers are bigger thn ystd x.x
I think generally okay bah :D

When i saw what you said,
you think i wanted it this way?
I had no choice, to be precise;
Its you made it this way.
You had no idea what i have gone thru.
My frnds alr dont,
I suppose you dont more.
So just dont come bck,
Im happy w th life im having now.
Its much much better.
So dont ever barge into mine.

Like yesterday's night dream;
It's so clear, but its gone.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, July 24, 2009 8:01 PM
♥ Disfigured hand.
See my disfigured hand? D:
And it looks like cheese! Melted one!
Its was officially disfigured today D: By myself.
hais, practical exams was sucha a failure.
And i think i nearly hai Zarinar QAD to fail. x.x
I was like veh kan chiong, cuz with 15mins.
Thn i used th glove which was super thin to take out my shepherd's pie from th oven.
Thn th pie slide to th end, veh heavy on tht side plus th heat penerated thru th glove.
Too hot, i used my bare hands to hold th hot tray x.x
Ah, thr goes my hand. I meant fingers.
I let go. Th pie went dwn th drain. D:
F&N lesson was 3 hrs. We used 1hr45mins to cook.
Th remaining 1hr15mins, i used it to cry.
I cried exactly 1hr15mins. D:
Cuz i felt guilty and scared i will pull QAD down. D:
Non-stop. D:
Felt bad. D:
Hais, now wash hair, do anything also use 1 hand and 3 fingers. D:
Nothing else lerh.
Ahnyong! :D
Sorry, i didnt meant to.
Though you said you didnt blame me,
but i still feel bad and guilty.
Sorryaye qin ai de D:
xoxo. /♥

Thursday, July 23, 2009 9:18 PM
♥ I never dreamt of you anymore.
Tmr practical exams! AHHH!
Sadded D:
I nervous thn hai Zarinar QAD also go so paranoid and nervous as me.
Ahh, shit.
I scared do wrong!
Hope nothing goes wrong!

Hmm, today okay?
But classmates so tired.
Imma also tired, fell alsleep during LCE x:
Hmm, practical exams preparation. O:
Aft sch, Zarinar QAD and Kalinda LG came my hse.
Did our menu and play-ed audi.

Hais, I go le!
Ahnyong! :D

Never dream of you anymore.
Just a trance, a dream, a lie.
byebye, to everything that i once dreamt of.
Cuz i would never ever dream of you again.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 11:11 PM
♥ Sorry, I gotta go.
Today normal lah.
Went to Ngee Ann Poly for course.
LOL. Mr cheong de glider cnt glide! x:

Bus-ed bck to sch.
Went to cp with rdm and ching yenn! :D
Slack-ed at mac, talk about sensetive things.

Thts all i think.
Ahnyong! :D

I didnt meant to do tht.
But i see no point anymore.
You lead your life,
While i lead mine.
I hope you last long w her.
And dont think about me.
Im gna lead a better life too,
I guess.
You are once a person,
who lead to waitings.
You made me believe
promises are meant to be broken.
Its you.
I learnt many many.
I think its time to let go.
This 1yr plus.
Thank you for it.
I cried cuz i chosen to leave,
I smiled cuz you once cared for me.
Left you,
Left a scar,
Left something behind,
Which was once beautiful.

My heart is once too weak to leave,
cuz i used to care.
I think its time.
So byebye.

xoxo. /♥

Friday, July 17, 2009 6:27 PM
♥ Gone with th wind.
Sorry sorry. ><
Didnt post. Lazy plus tired D:
Today normal lah, nothing particular.

Maybe i can quit my job as a love expert. x.x
I didnt even get to analyse *his frnd de prob. D:
*covers face*
Didnt get to know whole story. nvms bah :D
Im marrying *him this week. Kinda nervous x.x
Tqs huiling mama♥ for support.
Imma sorrys ><

Screw-ed today's test, hais.
And also my ting xie.
Nvm! I do better this wed >]

I think thts it lah!
I go chiong audi liao! :D
Ahnyong! :D

xoxo. /♥

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 4:52 PM
♥ Maybe loving you is just a wrong choice.
Now home-d for E-learning.
Sian lah x.x
wth, i just now actually talk to 2 person in th same hse. ._.
Hao retarded. SUA, nvms :D

Today, bloody day D:
Congrats to *him for winning th competiton! :D
See told you, use zhen kong fu mah x:
Eeyeer, compo for e-learning x.x
Tired out today, frigging tiring D:
Short post today :D
Left with 2 maths hmwk. zzz. D:

Ahnyong people! :D

Hurting comments,
People who pisses you off.
Someone i really cant stand.
Dont fxcking piss me off.
You get it someday.

xoxo. /♥

Monday, July 13, 2009 10:46 PM
♥ Past by past, you're gone.
Wth. damn pissed today.
Dont ask me why, i dont even bother to give a damn.

Hmm, today generally was okay.
Heard smth, which totally pissed me off.
Wth lah ==
Sua luhs, i think 1 day i would walk towards and give tht person 2 tight slaps.
Trust me, Mark my words. I will do it.
So dont make me. Dont think i hao qi fu hor. ._.

Thts all. :D
Ahnyong people! :D

Dont ever belittle me.
Im not that weak or stupid.
Though i appear like it.
Just mark my words.
Dont step onto my tail;
Or else i bite.

xoxo. /♥

Sunday, July 12, 2009 10:49 PM
♥ You're too far for me to hold onto.
Currently on fone with huiling mama. :D
Btws, congrats huiling mama for having her fone bck! :D
I suddenly forgot her fone number x:
She's laughing on th fone and she is kinda lazy to answer Nature's call. x:
*smiles wickly*

Hmm, today was practically boring.
Saw someone i shldnt at LRT station, bad luck x.x
I see tht person, i will got freaking scared. x.x
dk why, dont bother asking me who is it. ._.
LRT-ed to cp for lunch, late lunch in fact.
Went to library borrow-ed a book, finished it alr. -.-

Went home, bloody hell.
I went to sleep as usual, teehee :3
I tend to sleep when i get depressed or stressed out.
Today idk is depressed or stressed out. x.x
Had pizza for dinner, ate lesser than usual.
Which was kind of not me. x:

Change-d my blogskin cuz th previous is faulty. -.-
Change dao pekcek, and is who asked me to change?! [th one who is lazy to answer Nature's call]
Thats all for today, but sian-ed cuz tmr has sch.
Today tht bloody tuition tchr suan me and sherlene laopo in our face! >[
Hmph, suan lerh. Dncare. >[

Ahnyong peeps :D

Rain is coming these days.
I only know its th rain angel crying.
I dontknow why th rain angel cried, and who it cried for.
I dontknow why i cried, and for who.
As if my heart is raining.
I have close-ness towards rain.
I love th rain as it somehow comforts me.
One thing im know for sure,
Sometimes rain angel is crying for me;
I guess.

xoxo. /♥

Saturday, July 11, 2009 12:00 AM
♥ Im so sorry, but i love you.
today was normal but Zarinar QAD keep complaining about stomach pain x.x
Though i did tht few days ago to her x:

finished with th F&N project! :D
im looking forward to th practical exams! x:
Zarinar QAD was veh paranoid about it. ._.
Calm dwn~ xD
Slack-ed at computer lab. :D
Then you know, i asked her to tag my blog.
thn she went to blog, she didnt know tht my blog has music. x.x
Her comp was not muted, it was full blast. x:
Thn my blog music [Umbrella] blasted out x:
She chua tio i also lah x.x Th whole class look at us x:
Tchr thn say: Your finished your timeplan?
We was *nodnod* x:

Mr cheong didnt have time to have physics consultation x.x
So we went cp to shop for my sis bday pressie x.x
Woah, i just realised everything doesnt suit her sia. -.-
In th end, i bought a pink teddy! :D
Chio luh x:
Zarinar QAD and Kalinda Laogong bought a lil keychain! :D
Thn suxian veh lame sia, told us tht she was in cp.
But th prob is, she didnt tell us whr she.
Just told us th floor, odd or even ==
In th end we found them.
Went to Yoshi for their lunch, talk-ed and laugh-ed :D

LRT-ed home with Sherlene Laopo, walk-ed home myself luh.
Home-ed, Tv-ed and Sleep-ed x:
Just went to celebrate sis bday. :D

Thts all :D
Ahnyong peeps! :D

Who do you think you are?
Went all th way just to kick me out.
That is freaking lame you know.
Do you even have that lil bit of childhood?
I bet you dont.
So just shut up,
dont think im tht easy to bluff.

P.S. : Jiefu ah~ MY BLOG TAG LEH? x:

xoxo /♥

Thursday, July 9, 2009 11:02 PM
♥ We are not meant to be.
Today's maths test was disaster! D:
frigging hell. A fail is forseen.

Today had serious moodswings.
Me myself thinks its frigging scary.
1 point i was angry, th other sec i changed to happy and hyper.
Xia si Zarinar QAD bah ><
Moodswings all th way to aft sch, its still happening.
Everything also moodswing. ._.
Wth is wrong with me? -.-"

Sua, dont care.
Aft sch, help-ed with hmwk. :D
Thn stone alone while random was looking at qing's ipodtouch. [laogong wasnt thr though]
Went to econ, i suggested to go in buy smth.
Cuz you know, i tot they were like hungry you know?
Thn all head out, all go separate ways.
I walk-ed home as usual, but th road seemed longer. -.-

Hais, thts all i think.
Ahnyong people. :D

Never think of anything thts impossible.
Those lil lil things you wouldn't notice,
yet i did notice them all along.
Whether is me or you,
it doesn't seem to matter anymore, don't it?
Let th past be th past.
Th present would be brighter,
and its waiting for me.

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
