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Thursday, April 23, 2009 11:12 PM
♥ 或许我会说再见。
hello people! :D
Btws, Huiling is kinda of MIA.
She wun be having any updates, so bear with it? ><
Erms, these days staybacks alot alot.
Hmwk also alot, MYE coming D:
Shit it sia. D:

Whatever. I gna give my best i guess.
My 14 life is gna end soon D:
Haix, guess that growing up is good choice bah.
:D i should get going.
Byebye :D

2daystogo~ :D

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 3:52 PM
♥ 把眼睛放大,这不是我。
Hello :D
sorrys didnt update ah! ><
Was kinda pissed off in school and homework of cuz!
They piss me off, seriously. ==
School these days was okay, i guess.
And today we exchange-d our Ez-link cards! eeww.
Say will return old one, thn nv! Wthzxzx.
Sadded. the sticker veh nice leh! Thn now gone liao D:
Wahh, disgusting sia. the Ez-link.
Idunlike. >[

Got slight flu. D:
veh not nice. Sniffing in class like mad. Sneezing also. x.x
Time pass veh fast siol.
Im gna turn 15 liao.
In my clique, im th only one hvn turn 15 leh!
Jamie,Suxian,Sherlene,Huiling&Siqi all 15 liao!
Left me D: !
Uh-huh.. D:
Nehhmind, anws i also dnwan get old luh D:

Thts all i think. o.o
Bye people :D

4daystogo~ :D

Saturday, April 18, 2009 9:34 PM
♥ Ransom with heart.
Hello hello :D
Erm, sorrys didnt update lately.
Busy? o: kinda of.
Erms, today damn hot x.x
Sports carnival veh hot.
We took vids and pics of th whole carnival.
And me veh retarded. I went to chase aft th torch. x.x
Wth. Run like mad. x.x
Slack-ed in ICC room for hours xD

Went to CP for lunch at KFC.
Ate and went home.
On th way, me and suxian damn LOL.
We chnged th lyrics of Wondergirls' Nobody song to smth else.
So LOL tht i cnt stop laughing.
Huiling came my hse and stay-ed till 7pm.
We watch-ed my trip to japan de vid and..........
We got childish, we watch-ed Pokemon x: ! LOL bah?
Nice okaye?! xD

Thts all today bah :D
Buh bye peeps. :D

7daystogo~ :D

Tuesday, April 14, 2009 9:22 PM
♥ 思念像苦药竟如此难熬.
ello ello :D
Today was another crappy day D:
Today got bck some things, was crap! >[
Crappy crappy stuffs ._.
Nearly slept suring maths class! Argh! D:
Erms, huiling and suxian came my hse today and we sing like mad xD!
Suxian ka jiao me with her high pitch and long singing.
Too bad! No avail x:
they went home and slacked at th comp.
Cook-ed dinner and updating this bloggeh! :D

erms, thts all? x:
Byebye peopo. :D

P.S. : Thanks mama for your wishes! I hope tht would nv happen again D: !

11daystogo~ :D

1:11 AM
♥ 不求完美,爱得更远,我过得更好.
ello ello :D
basically, today was crap.
Full of Crap.
F&N darn boring, nvms.
tchr tell us our coursework no marks! TT
Nvms, re-do bah D:
SS, more crap. Sleepy thru out.

ASP, gna die aft see-ing those maths sums. x.x
Giddy. Disgusted.
First question i alr stone. idk how do.
heng mrs ng teach me. Glad i understood and knew how to do alr :D
kaye, went home and read a novel.
finished it alr :D veh fast hor? x:
Play-ed audi and he wasnt online! T.T
He was back ystd. And im damn bloody happy! ^^
Aft so long, he still rmbs me and huiling! :D
wahhaha! Thank god, miracles do happen. :D

Thts all :D
Byebye folks :D

12daystogo~ :D

Sunday, April 12, 2009 10:05 PM
♥ 不是每件事都可以轻易地忘掉。
hello :D
today was normal. :D
Have my lunch with my mum in mac today, and met zar in library fr our F&N project x.x
Came my hse and watch vid and do project luh x.x
And thn play-ed audi whn we are done.
Trashed some freaks and veh happy :D! huhuhu x:
And went to rivervale mall to have my dinner.
And pei zar to bus stop and wait bus :D
Went home and now posting about today :D!

Thts all lerh :D
Byebye people~ :D

13daystogo~ :D

Friday, April 10, 2009 10:42 PM
♥ 白天不懂夜的黑,你却懂得我的美。
ello ello :D
Today is good friday :D!
Morning veh early wake up.
Cor sherlene and she told me tht she has hsework to do.
o.o, i went bck to slp :D
Thn kena wake-d up by sherlene fone cor.
We went to NTUC together, bought items for our cooking. :D
went bck cook-ed friedrice, DAMN NICE leh! ♥
Thn continue making our pie :D!
realised tht we frgot to buy containers, we went out.
Raining like mad. We actually kinda have a "bath" outside ==!
Went home continue, and th end product veh nice! :D!
Waited fr huiling to come, cuz th pie kinda is her late birthday cake we giving her. :D
Sherlene and Huiling went bck home and i cook noodles fr dinner x.x
Veh happpy day indeed :D
Hope huiling love our "cake"! :D

Thts all :D
Byebye :D

15daystogo~ :D

12:07 AM
♥ Sucktastic.
helloh peeps :D
Today perhaps is the most sucktastic day ever.
Maths test. Maths ASP. Project.
Project is nice :D bt not MATHS ==
Went to zarinar's hse! OHHH. First time.
Weird weird. x:
Thn came bck my hse, completed almost everything liao! ^^
And ate dinner together, play-ed audition and project-ed :D
She went home luh. Now chatting on msn with classmates :D

Thts all :D
Takecaires :D Byebye :D

16daystogo~ :D

Thursday, April 9, 2009 12:10 AM
♥ I cnt stop by and look at you.
Ello Ello. :D
Today practically was another crappy day. D:
Erm, totally tire out. Slept in class. x.x
Didnt meant to. Huiling mama had a kinda bad sorethroat x.x!
Takecares uhh. :D
I realised or i always realised i kinda had some 自闭症.
Alone, i tend to talk to myself.
Sing bah :D
Retarded hor?
Thts how pathetic i am.

Thts all folks :D
Byebye and takecares :D

Alone alone alone.
Thats the only word in my mind.
Godly knows whether this word is a bad thing.
Being alone isnt nice.
I knew that. I experienced it.
Scary feeling. No one with you, you feel helpless.
Now to me, being alone is nothing.
Im numb to the word alone. Or more to be precise, Being Alone.
Friends surround me everyday, yet i simply cannot feel that they are.
Isolation or Shutting myself up. I dont know and i dont wish to.
Just hope that tomorrow is another better day.

17daystogo~ :D

Tuesday, April 7, 2009 10:58 PM
♥ Byebye is enough.
ello ello :D
Paisehs, no updates on my blog x:
reading some nice book now, and watching tv also. :D
Multi-tasking :D! Erm, kinda neeed train on my pathetic audi ==.

Ekks! Today is oral day.
Kinda screw it up. x.x
Text read quite good, bt th conv..... sucks.
Whatever lahs. Its over man. :D
byebye :D !

18daystogo~ :D

Sunday, April 5, 2009 2:23 AM
♥ MAMA-sensation :D !
ello ello :D
today was another normal day.
and i was quite sick nowadays x.x !
fever, vomiting ==! idiot hor? >[
My mama has finally turned 15 today :D
grats grats :D !
Huhuhu :D
short post, thts it :D!
byebye peeps :D.

20daystogo~ :D

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
