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Tuesday, March 24, 2009 1:06 AM
♥ Shock. Fear. Panic.
ello ello :D
Erm, School strts.
Nothing nice. x.x
Just thinking i also like qing kinda lag behind time x.x
Hmwk and blah blah stuffs.
Im dying.
Though im not like qing lah.
Parents nag so much about results whn shes getting A1 . x:
My parents got nag, not too much.
They only say work hard luh.
I also quite scared. I more lousy thn sherlene,huiling gang sia.
Wth. Such disgrace.
Sure do, im working hard these days.
Revising,hmwk-ing and stuffs.
tmr is another bloody day. Maths with tht trainee tchr.
dk what shes teaching. T.T
Trying my best. x.x
And qing , you promised to teach me one hor x.x
I hope th rainy days are going and leaving me with th sunny ones :D

thts all , byebye :D

Secrets are secrets.
Do they have any significant thing within them?
Or like what people they are meant to be exposed?
Friends confide with each other cause they trust each other.
Do your friends tell you about them?
Or they just simply dont trust too much?
To me, trust surely holds a significant thing.
Without trust, where's the friendship then?
Better off wth you banging the wall.
Sometimes i think to myself.
What have i did wrong to let my friends lose trust in me?
I never spill out their secrets or whatsoever.
Just that they dont trust me , i guess.
What would it takes to gain their trust?
I try very hard. Very hard.

Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:36 PM
♥ Watch tv alone is th saddess thing ever.
ello ello :D
today practically is th most typical day ever.
Nothing happen and tmr thrs sch . x.x
Screw school man. ==
Erm, talk-ed on phone with qing.
School and homework.
Slack at home blahs.

Seriously , nothing. LOL. x.x
tmr is school. have mixed feelings.
happy? excited? scared? dk.
thts all byebye :D !

Shut yourself up.
Find yourself.
Isit so hard to find th real part of yourself?
Or is just takes time to find it?
Have you ever sit in a car and watch out, see things pass by you.
Trees, Cars, Buildings are part of th society.
Rain is part of nature.
It comes when god is sad.
Maybe it represents your feelings, your emotions.
Do you like rain?
I guess , I do.

1:35 AM
♥ Cherishhh.
ello ello :D
just bck frm msia . :D
went thr to visit my relatives ! :D
erms , reached thr at about 8plus? dk lahs x:
have dinner and went to my aunt hse! :D yay !
Her hse is bungalow :D and veh big .
slept at her daughters' room , which was quite creepy ? x.x
dk lah , maybe my own imagination.

Erm, when bck to sg lo.
Nothing in particular is interesting. :D
Watched tv and post! :D
teehee :B

Have you ever wondered that you get lost at heart?
erm, isit scary or just nothing to you?
Find your way out eventually or someone would come and help you?
Having someone would be nice , i think.
Like no other reason , that particular person would be your hero of th day?
If that someone would appear. If.

Monday, March 16, 2009 11:42 PM
♥ Those days ; i shall not forget.
ello ello. (:
paisehs hor, cnt online cause i flunked 4 subs. ._.
gahh , i now freaking working hard for my studies.
ohkay for now , i shall tell you about my camp ; lest i forget about it. x.x

Day1: Wed ;
Oh hahahahah. we all got to school and i found out tht my slping bag is damn freaking big ==.
So damn bulky luh , other ppl like bring little things x.x!
huiling like auntie sia , th bag i lend to her. teehee :3
i was getting quite quite excited for th trip.
expecting th best for th camp. :D
got up in bus and bus-ed to changi jetty.
hohoho ; reached thr and saw many many trainers waiting for us.
o_o , i was guessing who will be our trainer sia. LOL. x:
boat-ed to pulau ubin. and seriously i love th air thr ! ♥
So nice , so fresh. ^^ ! Nature ; hehe :B
Taurus people love nature.
ohkay ohkay , stop these craps . ==
Had a damn long briefing and th ground is seriously infested with ants ! x.x
but got used to it , blend in man !
trainer shai gave a wordy briefing , th sun is so hot ?
burn us to death meh? x.x
seriously this camp is like a nature camp or a waiting camp . x:
wait alot and walks in forest than having rock climbing activities etc etc.
Then we had our first "fantastic" lunch ~ Maggie .
I dont mind maggie bt th mass tin is .........
thrs ants inside? and we only had limited water? All is like so DAMN hungry?
dn care , cook-ed and eat those frigging ants and maggie tgt! :D
Had our walk to chek jawa . indeeed a long walk , legs are sore T.T
In the end , got thr . th place is closed. ==
th sign reads : Opening Hours : 9am - 6pm .
FANTATIC ! we got nothing to see , and i heard frm huiling ; th place was nice. ==
we are th last grp to reach our campsite and all th people thr had alrdy gna finished with th tent pitching.
then we just strted with it. and people are gathering to get their dinner. Nice one :D
Finish-ed with th tent pitching , which was quite fast. (:
We all dn feel like eating cause they say we couldnt wash our utensils . freak!
So we kope zarinar's halal dinner , which was nice :D
Went for our night walk , i was like expecting something nice.
But we walk-ed some distance, we end up waiting for our turn at some road thr.
wasted 1 precious hr waiting , bt tht 1 hr was FUN! xD
isabel and adeline strted to talk about th scopious cheer- leading.
Me, Victoria, Ongting etc etc acted as passer-bys :D
Listen-ed Listen-ed , they strted to dance.
Tht was okay , isabel strted to do th hard move : PUMPING.
tht was th funneh part man , she pumped like getting some cramps. LOL.
which was friggingly funneh. x:
ltr tht night , had our supper and powder bathe-ed . ==
ohkay , this part too LOL to post it x: Secret .
Thts all for day1 , frigging tired. and th toilet water was brown or yellowish? eew.

Day2: Thurs ;
Argh , today all th sun-burning strts. godly.
Th sun is damn hot . 45.8 degrees ! x.x
walked again in th forest for our orienteering .
We were all like letting th mosquitoes feeed on us.
Bloody! They can surely dine on different types of blood hor?
Finish-ed th walking went back for OMG lunch.
cooking rice, intially was okay.
got rice, chicken wings, and potato blah blah stuffs.
In th end , th rice cooked out sucks. ==
Un-cooked ? damn hard.
Kope cup noodles from qing ! tqs ♥!
dn feel like eating, and i end up eating sugar :D !
Sugar gives empty calories, why not? :D
Shared with huiling some of my sugar. She wants more D:
Godly , why didnt i take more from mac == ?
Play-ed CVSS trooper. Oh , thts fun.
We slacked alot. and tchr xiao ji treat us to sweets and drink :D !
Our HQ died early. x:
Went bck for camp fire preparations.
High-ly cheered :D !
I love our class cheer ! ♥
didnt want to have my dinner also. it sucks , like for a vegetarian.
I kope from kalinda,huiling,sherlene :D !
tqs oh ! ♥
Ate sweets and lollipops to fufil my hungry stomach x.x!
th camp fire sucks == , its not even a camp fire. cause thrs no fire.
Th fire was on th screen. Perfectly nice :D !
cheer & cheer & cheer !! Drag-ed sherlene to high with me ! xD
Went back to sleep . We all intially decided not to sleep.
But in the end , bloody tired. Slept like a log x.x
Anws , tht night our tent collasped T.T !
Pitch-ed it up again. YAY :D
end of day2 . Again , veh contented ♥!

Day3: Fri ;
Bloody sad on this day D: !
leaving ubin. D:
Our class won something , which was nice ! :D
3F is th most not high class i ever see. They dn cheer . Or they dn know ? x:
Boat-ed back again to sg. remember-ed th faces of th trainers.
dk whether we will see them again. 有缘再相见吧! :D
slept on bus. x: teehee :B
End .

My parents was shocked to see my skin colour and now my skin on my nose is dropping.
And im peeling them x: !
I looked like a malay now x.x !
I miss ubin tons tons ! D:
I miss trainer david and huda D: !

Just hope tht those days wouldnt end.

Sunday, March 8, 2009 8:24 PM
♥ Searching high and low for youu.
ello :D huhu :D
practically , today was a day of searching . x.x
searching for some powder tht can be applied on th hair ; (whn you cnt bathe x.x)
teehee :B cnt find it sia .
went out with family and huiling tgt to AMK :D
so funneh , huiling's like my family member :]!
andand , searching for like hours ? ._.
in th end , didnt find it x.x
on th way bck home , [me,huiling,sheryl] cam-whored ! 8D
huhuhu ~ so fun x.x
took so many pics , none was perfect ! >[
in th end , we finally got smth nice :D !
peektures all dwn thr . :D
in th NTUC , we found a heart-shaped tomato! haha !
and a lovely night view whn we are gng home :D

thts all peepo :D buh bye :D
peektures !!!!

reply taggies :
/} Hailey : orh jie :D will take pics , try bah x.x! wondergirls truely rocks :D!
/} ADALENE : mei , relinked :D!
/} HUILING : hoi , i posted hor ! today was fun :D ! teehee :3
erm, aft today . i think i finally had people who truly care for me?
though they often show it, i really hope this would never end.
ahhh , time really goes fast. Its slips from our fingers and a year had passed.
seriously thinking , i really dont know.
Do really time fade away pain and hatred in one's heart?
I think its sure does ; cause they seem to dont hate me anymore.
i really dont know what have i done, and i dn wish to know.
I just hope this would never end and we remain like this forever.
Growing up is part of life; same as having best friends in your life.
Looking bck to those days when we are little , everything still seems clear.
Or is it to difficult to forget them? Or they just stay there for us to remember?
Like in school , friends that aren't close to you ; they seem closer now.
Enjoying every moment together, its totally something I enjoy.
Though , sometimes they seem very far away from me.
I really don't know how to describe the feeling.
Your close friends seem further and further from you.
i tried very very hard to pull back our relationship.
Maybe its time whose the antidote or its the efforts i put in? idk.
Another year , we will be having our O lvls.
Why does life has to be like tht?
Tearing away best friends, allowing to go to different schools.
Thats very painful i think.
4 years of build-up friendship ; or maybe more , gna be separated nxt yr.
Luckier people maybe get to stay with their friends.
But i don't think i will , cause i seriously gone though that during pri 6.
All my friends left me to different schools of their dreams.
I had to survive out somewhere alone. Maybe not alone.
Cause i gradually make more friends and rely on them.
God , 1 year gna flash very fast and i wish time just stop at where it is.
I really don't wish my friends leave me and im alone without noone.
I live for myself and my friends.
Cause i think they seriously are much more important than BGR.
Family is important too, i guess.
I never chose to be alone with anyone , but it seem that they are ignoring me.
Perhaps . Everything would stay at its original state. Without flaws.

Saturday, March 7, 2009 11:09 PM
♥ Carried away ;
ello ello :D
today is YIQING bday !
and another special day :D
aint obsessed :D

seriously , nothings to post D:
gah , camp is coming and im getting rdy :D
teehee :3

Thursday, March 5, 2009 10:13 PM
♥ Search your heart and find yourself.
ello :D
godly, i flunked my A maths chapter 3 maths test BADLY .
gah , i expected tht kind of results . dk still cnt control my emotions x.x

Today , nothing happen BUT !
i got my class teee ! ♥
damn nice luh , HOT PINK ~ :B
i love it so muchhh :D
first class teee i love in my sec life ^^ !
teehee :3

Gtgs luh ; buh byes :D
*clapclap* -looking forward to adventure camp- :D


Wednesday, March 4, 2009 9:30 PM
♥ A day by chance .

A rainbow by chance.

ello ello :]

bloody hellzxz . camp is so hard on ourselves x.x

cnot bathe , will we stink ? x.x

and powder bath-ing fr 2 day sia ! wth , BO liao x.x

maybe hair oso oily liddat !

we gng thr do wad , "weeding' ! ==

byebye end of th day :D


Sunday, March 1, 2009 10:20 PM
♥ Just not th right time.
ello peeps :)
deadly boring and tio bann awhile x.x
bo play audi these days , gah , fingers are itchy x.x
sadden-ing x.x

I go to playplay lerh :D
byebye , i seriously have nothing to post x.x


Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
