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Thursday, February 26, 2009 9:43 PM
♥ be ashamed by yourself .
elloelloello :D
Practically thrs nothing for me to post .
and my blog is dead , DEAD .

gah , this a maths today sucks x.x !
i revise for alpha and beta , others i totally frgot . BLANK-ed Mind x.x !
Gah , gna fail it for sure ._. !
Sometimes , i tell myself cnt be such a disgrace .
im in a class better thn my frnds ; and my grades are on par or lower thn them .
Slap myself , i nida work harder & i seem quieter in class. thn before (?)
Shld be bah , im such a solo-ist now ; or a loner .

gotta go , byebye people . :D

"Sometimes , things turn out th way you dn wan them to . Or in a surprising way ."
"Accept things and dn try to chnge your fate , aint gna work ."
" 如果我们没相遇,一切还会一样吗?"

Sunday, February 22, 2009 5:38 PM
♥ Godly , you are bright.
Peektures ; ♥ Huiling's head with sherlene's hand ; Its just a piece of meat i ate tht shaped like a hart.
ello ; enough of peektures @@
gah , today chiong-ing F&N research. x.x
erms , this post is dedicated for huiling ~
anws , its way too long for me to post now == .
Due to busy things happenings .
Rah , D:
byebye people out thr . :]
xoxo ♥.

Friday, February 20, 2009 6:43 PM
♥ When you come , im gone .
ellos ! :D
just posting fr th sake of posting ~ LOL x:
gah , maths veh hard . dying liao luh D:
See le , my brain shrinks . D:

My brain is small eh , cnt hold too much .
scared 1 day , i will cnt tahan . D:
Out to all th friends out thr , if your brains aint big ; dont stress yourself . (:
Just think . my road dwn to sec 4 is long .
I had a long journey to my life in secondary .
wait and everything turns out fine .
Just like wad i said ; Everything marks here . It will end up good .

buh bye peeps :D
Jiayou ! :D


Monday, February 16, 2009 11:39 PM
♥ Stop for me && i will wait for you .
ello :D
bloody hellzxzx .
didnt post ! >[

erms , okayokay these days .
had strted with ASP :D && sherlene cor it "ASS" ! xD accidentally ~
just coping with everything , wondering my pea sized brain would be able to fit everything in D: !
Hope it would not BURST T.T !
Anws , im quite looking frward to class chalets :D
ahahahha . didnt know why :O just looking frward , thts all :D

erms , gna go .
byebye & send you all a phrase i adore ♥ !

"When the remembering was done , the forgetting could begin ."


Sunday, February 8, 2009 12:56 AM
♥ ah , maddest day ever .
ello :D
today was th maddest day ever ! xD
actually , seriously i dunlike to bainian since this yr . dk why ? :o

anws , today when to cousin hongwei's hse to bainian .
i nv regretted gng thr sia ! x:
when we got thr , quite boring ==
thn th fun strted after aaron korkor 's frnds came . LOL .
they came and disco-ed LOL ! pulling all th younger cousins into th room to disco sia , so LOL !
th room damn noisy , we at outside oso can hear ! :O
thn justin cousin forced hongwei into th room LOL .
pushed th responsibility to me siol ! ._. !
thn th girls in th room was like MAD ? o.o"
dancing like mad and oso singing o.o !
1 guy was sleeping in th room LOL . so funneh sia , come ppl hse bainian thn end up sleeping == !

Mad-sation came , justin dk why scared of tht room luhs .
dun dare go in LOL . we keep push him and th frnds of aaron korkor keep jio him in . LOL .
th scene was like : outside gamble ; inside disco ! :O
Ride-ed home in uncle's van and now posting th maddest day !

argh , tmr got another bainian session ~ x.x
cyas , takecares ♥ !

xoxo. ♥

Friday, February 6, 2009 9:54 PM
♥ recovering th childish me ;
heyheyhey ! (:
recovering th chilish huiling x:
tht was how she post last time == && realised tht we post so childish-ly . ==
ahha ! xD unbelieveable ! >]

erms , today okayokay lahs .
but hor , during recess veh funneh !
especially me and suxian 's reaction xD
suxian and jamie veh late thn bought their lunch mah , maybe its due to me :x
thn when they come bck & just strted cutting their roti prata , th music strted !
(means tht our recess is over ==!! )
walao , me and suxian exactly had th same reaction !! == .
We both "AHH!" at th same time , so LOL siol .

nth much , CCA ahs .
sherlene created dabian & we went to seesee th Sec1s ! xD
all taller thn huiling xD hehs ;

Nth much liao , byebye peeps ! ♥

Thursday, February 5, 2009 8:43 PM
♥ imagine me without sleep ; ._.
ello , peektures peektures! nice pink mac , stich and cute bear and rabbit ♥
anws , i lazy update luh ><
boring , hmwk agn . and thrs alot of tests this week ==
freaking tests D: haix .
audi-ed and pet society-ed alot alot :D
omgzxz , i love wor ! tqs huiling fr intro-ing me th pet society game ! ♥
nth else ! buh bye :D
/} Huiling : nah update liao ah !

Sunday, February 1, 2009 9:15 PM
♥ Some Memories are slippery.
ello (:


hehe ; post just this is enuff :D
captions big enuff ; hoho :x !

Reply Tags :

/} Jiehao : I nv say i wun post them , anws sherlene dun mind ! :D
/} Huiling : Kope my pics ?! >[ gogo bah , kope all you want xD !
/} Sherlene : You snatch jiehao's fone ! >[ so funneh , bt i like :D
/} Cherrin : STICH ! ♥ ilCHERRIN ! ^^
/} ahting : SWEETIE ! ♥ i rly hope i have time D:

thts all ; byebye :D


12:19 AM
♥ Peektures i will rmb fr life ♥
Peektures i will surely rmb fr life :D Sherlene serious in her wrk O:
bday girl 's SMILE ! (: ; iloveit sia ! ♥
Sherlene snatch jiehao fone ! O: Jiehao diao-ed my cam >[ ! Candid jiehao :x !

byebye , sorry had to post them in a diff post ><
&& i kissed huiling's cheek ♥ hoho :x

12:03 AM
♥ Wondered your words , deep in thoughts.
ello :D
Posting fr th sake of everyone ; Posting fri & todayduhs :D

Friday :
Nothing particular happened during sch but after sch was FUN xD
We shopped fr sherlene bday present . and i gave her a BIGBIG present wor O:
Ask her if ya interested :x *winkwink*
Siqi told me their plan , i was LOL ? well planed though xD
My job is to drag sherlene into th toilet & Mac , while they buy their present :D
woahs , i did a good job ! hoho xD
Cca time ; lego time ♥ !
Sherlene was damn serious . As usual me & huiling will play with lego like lil children x:
She did all scenes and took pics O: !
After tht , we strted to get abit un-focused .
We all target at jiehao ! xD took pics of him when he's not looking x:
He was like "OMG?!" , wanted us to dlt . :x
He also took a pic of me , like im intro-ing my fone sia ._.
I took sherlene th bday girl oso , her nice SMILE (: !
jiehao told us we all had a photogenic side , just we dont notice it .
sherlene just say : i dont :D . i was like LOL ?

Today :
Argh , nothing oso .
slept til 1.42pm ><
damn tired , zz .
LRT-ed to CP , met zar and ate lunch tgt .
She knew my childhood thingys D:
arghh , D:
walk-ed back home and did our F&N hmwk luh .
play-ed audi and she went home D:
went to bainian >[ so sian sia , i alr gna finish my whole novel . ==

Thts all !
Buh-bye (:

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
