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Saturday, January 24, 2009 10:37 PM
♥ Quizes of life ; loves of mine .
ello :D today no gna spill out any of my hatred :D
gna do quiz and reply my tags :D

Here goes ;

Quiz tagged by Zarinar 亲爱的 ;

People tag by me fr this quizzie :D
1. huiling
2. zarinar
3. suxian
4. hweeting
5. hailey
6. siqi
7. jieling
8. yiqing
9. sohshan
10. cherrin
(randomly arranged names ; )

1) How did you get to meet no 4?
[hweeting] o.o ; thru audition ! :D
2)Do you have any crush up there?
[random] no ; perfectly normal here ! ^^
3)What will you do if you hadnt met no 1?
[huiling] i would no mama luh ! T.T
4)What will you do when no 6 and no 2 were going out?
[siqi & zarinar] i dont think tht will happen ? o.o
5)How did you get to met no 8?
[yiqing] since pri 4 ; we hated each other ! xD
6)Is no 2 your good friend?
[zarinar] not only good , she's my 亲爱的 leh ! ♥
7)Who is no 8's best friend?
[yiqing] me? no lah ; im not tht BHB ! xD seriously , idk ..
8)Do you ever dated no 1?
[huiling] she's my mama ! hw date her ? ._.
9)Do you miss no 4?
[hweeting] of cos ! she's my best sweetie ! ♥
10)What do you think of no 6?
[siqi] a friend tht can be trusted :D
11)What you think of no 7?
[jieling] a cute lil friend :D
12)Who does no 3 like?
[suxian] ME , WONDERGIRLS ! thts enuff fr her ! x:
13)Have you been into no 8's house?
[yiqing] got ! too much til i lost track . x.x
14)Do you love no 2?
[zarinar] i love her to th core ! ♥ if i dont , why we are cor th "亲爱的宝贝" ? ^^
15)Do you trust these people?
[random] erms , ya but not all . some alr lost contact luh T.T

ends ;

/} ELEANOR : O: ! idk lehs , suxian oso say == !
/} Zarinar : did th quiz :D
/} ~YiQiNg~ : aiyah , wont . i pouring out , so CNY dont feel stress mah ! who wants to think about him ?
/} HUILING : hao OMG ; middle finger O:

Byebye ♥


Friday, January 23, 2009 10:40 PM
♥ Someone i wouldn't appreciate even he dies .
ellos :D
coming here a post ; relieving all th anger && stress in my hart .

Here goes :
This guy i knew , sorry not only me . ALOT of ppl know him .
idk why ppl know him , his way of acting paikia , or his face . I rly duno & i dun wish to know .
Intially , he was okay . Cause i didnt get to know him tht well .
After 1 yr of understanding , i finally saw his real identity .
A identity which alot ppl dun like bah .
Yet he dun even know tht his identity alr aroused hatred in many ppl harts .
Sad to say , idk when he would realise tht .
I think when he rly knew it , it would be too late to do corrections to what he had done .
He was a person who is an idiot . Dont even know wad he actually done , thts th stupid part . ==
Seriously , he shouldnt be living on this world .
I wonder wil this world be a better one w/o him ?
I think it should be .

Story ends here ;

Byebye , my anger and stress have benn released .
Thru this post. i rly hope he will get his punishment .

I hope she would feel happy and frget him ; tht arse :D
She supposed to frgot le bah , no one wants to rmb him . >]
xoxo . ♥

12:10 AM
♥ Just let me rest for a moment ;

A rainbow will erase my troubles ; i hope so .

Hellohs !! :D
Paiseh , bo update >[
always huiling come say me de ! >[ RAHHH ~
boredd ; Hmwk Hmwk Hmwk !
Everything hmwk nth else ~ D:
Freak out manzxzx .
See th amounts of hmwk i have ; is alr creating stress for me . D:

Too bad ; gna work hard forr it :D

Oh ya ;
I just hate tht frking guy i knew .
Likes to 使唤 ppl do things , as if he have no hands .
Like other ppl are his dogs , his servants .
Even i objected to everything he say ; he still do th way he wants eh ?
No use mah , wad for i waste my saliva toking to someone who doesnt even listen to you .

haiyah , i go slp liaos :D
buh - bye :D

/} HUILING (: : hoi~ update liao >[

Wednesday, January 14, 2009 7:07 PM
♥ PLUSHYtoy is gng crazy .
hellohs (:
rahhhh ~ im gng crazy ! >[

hmwk so many ; cnt cope .
too badd luh . idk whys hor .
i have some strange stress lehhs D:
frkkkk . i dun like it manxzx . D:

gahh , i go do hmwk ~
buh byes :D

/} Hailey : orh jie :D i didnt mes up && i didnt get th chance to use xD tctc toos :D ilys manymany ♥
/} Siqi : Sry siqi ><>
/} Ahting : SWEEETIE ♥ ! nehhmind luh ; just tell me when you can sms ! ilys ♥

P.S. : Kor get well soon :D

Thursday, January 8, 2009 11:03 PM
♥ homework sucks .
heyhey :D
ohmygawd , hmwk so much x.x
maths , chinese , phy , chem blah blah .
haix . this yr is a difficult year , and a good one i think . :x

byebye , go do hmwk :D
jiayous all peeps :D

takecares :D

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 4:57 PM
♥ im gng BONKERS -.- ;
hellohs :D paisehs , ystd boh post :o
Cos veh tired nowadays , got CCA and stay till late late == .
hmwk strting to pile up like mountains D:
eh ; now gna chiong my hols hmwk x: hehs .
after this post bah ; too much for me to take it >[

Erm , ystd was funny in class xD
i like my form teacher ^^ ; she veh gao xiao , makes lessons nice :D
gah ; Amaths gna strt any moment . i scared i cnt tahan :o
3 days in a row of mrs lee 's lessons == , wahpiang .
th lessons boring til hellzxzx , chinese lesson oso luhh D:
i gna slp in class agn D: chem class is nice too :DD

today , abit boringg . nearly fell aslp in class ><
veh tired these days , play audi oso play with my eyes half closed :x
Lie on bed , wah ! Once lie dwn , i slp liao xDD
tooo tireddd D: ; hope i quickly get used to this life ^^ .

Erms , nth else bah o.o .
ohkay :D i go liao , chiong hmwk :D
Buh-byeeee :D

Monday, January 5, 2009 5:43 PM
♥ My life went haywire ;
hellos :D sorry for no postings ><
huilingg keep pester me update blogg >[
hahs , so i update ; so boringg and busy .
so cnt post ; sch open liao D:
eh ? i seriously so disgusted wad gng to happen during these 2 days D:
so sadded D:
Gahh , my life now haywire w/o maomao D:
Bury her dwnstairs , criedd like hellzxz T.T

Wadeva uh , still nida get on with life ; get on with this haywire life bah :D
Ohmygawdd ; on first day of sch hor ~
We are so excitedd ! xD huilingg was like so LOL ! :x
Sherlene and huiling keep look my fringe ; like thrs smth on my fringe~ o.o
Gahh , they say my fringe is like .... " No eyebrow .. " i frgot th name how spell :x

Eeyeer , today was worse . -.-"
zzz , i gna fell aslp in F&N ; hao boreddd :o
teacher comfirm say alot of crapps and stuffs ; get used to it would be good :D
At SS/Hist lesson , mre gao xiao xD
tht mrs lee keep say abt 2E , which was not true x:
cnt stop her mouth eh ? let her do th talking bah :D

Haiyah , i have done my posting abt these few days :D
Dont say i boh post ohkay ? >]

P.S : (for kor)
See who win eh :D
hoho :D

Okay okay :D i gtgs lerhhs D:
Buh-Bye :D

/} Siqi : sry sry , th code sot sot ><
/} -AWE-may : link liao :DD
/} Huiling : simi is TEEHEE ? :O

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
