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Friday, October 31, 2008 8:29 PM
♥ :D (_))_
heyyo :D Here again tuh post ~
aiyah , these few days vry busy with AUDITION SEAASSON 2 ~!!!!
ohmygawd , damn nice sia !

Sho Cute , i lovee it :D ahhhhh ! ♥♥♥

erms , i go liao . go play new AUDI :X



Thursday, October 30, 2008 5:26 PM
yo !
imma damn pissed with th audi patch =.=
wad kind of patch is tht ? -.- .

Audi nw kinda fixed , except fr th songs ! argh....
aiyah , must ty ahting and crocs :DD *bow*

OMGG , i heard bestie 's voice ~ DAMN CUTE sia ! x3
ILH ♥ ~

byebye i go fixed :D

Tuesday, October 28, 2008 10:27 PM
♥ D: D:
hello (: Hows today fr your all ?
fr me its fine :D
Today , i went tuh rivervale plaza fr lunch . thn LRT-ed home .
When home tio father scoldingg -.-" , did houseworkk , DAMN tiringg.
Played comp , til dinner time then LRT-ed tuh CP with my family .
woahs , today bought a brand new washing machine . My old one was spoilt . :O

erms , nw blogging fr today . Updatingg your on my daily lifestyle .
Which was BORINGG ~ :X

thts fr today ~ byebye (:
TCTC peepo (:
Seeya tmr ((:

Monday, October 27, 2008 10:36 PM
♥ ^^ .
heyyo (: imma here tuh blogg again (:
ermms , today was okay . so dont talk about tht okays ? :X

I gotta tuh go liao . T.T byebye ((:
TCTC guysss (: ilys many many ♥♥

Sunday, October 26, 2008 10:56 PM
♥ AWE ~
heyyo (: imma here again (:

Firstly ~
Happy Birthday tuh AWE !! (: 1 yr old liao xD
lols , today is 26 , 1 yr :D

Erms , today woke up quite latee . :X Then have my lunch at home with my sister :O
Then play-ed comp th whole day ! ((: Shoik ~
Tmr is deepavali sia, == . Oso stay at home .
Gonna rot at home liaos , == . siannnn - edddddd D:

Nth tuh say , i go liaos (:


Saturday, October 25, 2008 9:56 PM
♥ lalala !
Heyyo ((: New day ! :D
Erms firstly , i must wish ♥Hailey Jie HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY (: !
Today i feel so carefreeee ! (: Coz i brk him lerhhh !! ahahaha ! :X

Changeddd my name and brk with him ! (:
imma freee :D andddddd im freed frm jail ! [ thts wad SX said -.-]
nehhmindd , in short im free anws ! >:DD

Erms today was nth , nothing luhh .
ByeBye (:

TCTC guys ((: ilys many many !
♥ Jiee ilys many many && stay pretty ~

Friday, October 24, 2008 10:10 PM
helloooo again :DD hows today ? first day of holidays !! xD
i heard frm my sis tht CVSS today went tuh CVPS tuh promote ~ lol .
Erms , hope tht my sis de fwens would come ! >:D wahaha >:D
Today was normal fr me . My eye hurt today , gonna have smth on my eye . =.=
Thn went fr lunch with my dad and sis . Coz my mum had lesson today .
Then played audii , read comics && chiong STORY ~!
Siann-edd , todayy was indeeed a vry sian day . haix , stay at home and do nth sia .
Hope tht i wun ROT at homee . -.-"

TCTC guys (:
ilys many many (:

Thursday, October 23, 2008 10:25 PM
♥ :D
hellooooooo (: Hows today fr you alls ? :D
aiyohhh , i readingg 尼罗河女儿. Episode 44 ~ :D
Report book take back lerhhs :X Aiyoh , class rankingg is 5 :D
Its still goodd :D wahaha (: Can rebond hair lerh bahhs xDDD
Then i can cancel my wish liao ((:

Today , too siann . No movies ): uhhhhs T.T
Chiong-ingg audii nowadays :D Nothingg tuh do mah . :O
erms , today i have slept from 5.30pm tuh 8pm o.o :X
Pigg ahhs ? :XX
Thts all fr todayy (:

TCTC guys (: ilyssss manyy ♥

Tuesday, October 21, 2008 5:47 PM
hello :D ps no posts :X
erms , audi de kamikaze and other thai songs removed . == .
i like tht song so much , why remove ? T.T
btws , Gt my OVERRALL ranking and percentage ~ xDD
woahs , i gt 130/190 peeps :X and overrall percentage is 63.9 :D
nicee , nv got tht high be4 ? :X Can celebrate :D
my father is having a steamboat thingy tonite , tuh celebrate my results && my mum had started workingg :D
Nowadays , watching movies and play games , blahsssss ~ :X

TCTC guys :D imma off :D

♥Hailey Jie : } Nopes :D imma okay , i will frget bout it , you tooo :X
♥Rebecca : } Tys fr tagging x333

Sunday, October 19, 2008 1:18 AM
exams finally over liao relaxing all th way . PLayed with bestie these days :D
Life suck . reading 尼罗河女儿. th blog song remind me of someone who hurt me badly.
th ppeople know me , sure know its who . tht jerk . cheated me and hailey jie D:
frweak hhimm ! ]: Sad song , reminds me everything of tht jerk and him .
Th days....... T.T all over , frget about them , haix.

TC GUYS :D imma okays :D

Thursday, October 9, 2008 8:34 PM
♥ exams finally over !!
Yo ! xD
This torturous period finally ended with a happy or sad ending , IDK . (:
Life still have tuh go on , isn't it ?

Okays , lets tok about todae !
erms, today ahs, history exams , abit hard btill can cope ? x.x
thn after sch got KWN :) , do scripts and some filming ((:
wah , damn fun and we are laughing like maddd xDDD [especially sherlene (:]
thn in th end , we were anout tuh get a nice perfect shot..
Thn Christie go and翻白眼!spoilt th whole shot , nida take agn D:

Tmr still nida go sch although its a holiday fr us ):
KWN mah , i dunwan a late entry && no prize :X
sooooooo must workk harderr (:
Jiayous Team ! :D

end of today!♥
tiring yet meaningful ((:
Must rmb th wakeup call fr Ling Mama ! >:D
Bye guys and TAKECAIIRES♥♥

SHAN [: } ♥relinked :D

Thursday, October 2, 2008 3:09 PM
Helloss ♥
Today was Science paper ! HELL ah! So difficult ! T.T
Jiayous all frennz fr tmr's maths !

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
