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Tuesday, September 30, 2008 12:50 PM
♥ EXAMS -.-"
Hellos ♥
cnt online anymre T.T
exams mahhs , JIAYOUS all frenzzzz ♥♥♥

Thursday, September 18, 2008 12:06 AM
♥ another nice one (:
Ellox Again ♥♥
Im back today xD fr mre action xDDDDDDDDD
Today was okays :D
in fact , in th morningg i actually woke up late
&& i had tuh CHIONG my hmwk -.-"
anws , nw these few days im chiong-ing my chinese project !
argh.. DAMN tiredddddd ):
slpy in class && i cnt concentrate )):
Puh-leaseeeeee luhs , i slept during geog fr 10mins ? o.o"
which was indeedd a nicee sleep uhs xD

During maths lesson..
wahahahas , soooo funny !! XD
Me && sherlene drawingg th face of cleon teo ((:
Nice uhs , bt i prefer sherlene's ^^
Mine sucks uhs , -.-"
When it comes tuh drawing th mouth , we were laughingg till MAD ~ xD
So hyper luhs ! i lovee it manzxzxz ♥

After skul..
I went tuh qing's hse tuh do chinese project .
andd we went home tgt with jamie && cheowheng.
thn we reached qing hse , we gt hyper (:
thn we just hyper-ed awhile , her mum come back .
th atmosphere was so like.. u shld know ~
thn we called andy && jeremy bout th project .
andy ltr thn come tuh qing hse.
we took pics of andy and its so funny ~
andy cute luhs! lols
andy thn went tuh play LF2 ~ which was so LOL !
he began toking in his funny voice && qing recorded all down into her cam.
andy wanted her tuh dlt them , she promisedd luh .
thn i went home alone , -.-
on th way home, it was DAMN DAMN DAMN boringggggggggg -.-
reach home and bathed . *ahhh~*
went tuh AMK tuh have dinner .
just nw i was still doin my project ; wahhhs gonna finish soon ! woots~
i am goin tuh slp nw peeps ; DAMN tiredddd )):
my eyes are closingggg -.- zZzZzZz...
Nite guys ; hope you have a great day ♥

Tuesday, September 16, 2008 10:57 PM
♥ another (:
YO guys♥
Back again fr mre action xD
Erm,, Today was okay .
We had a maths test? which was frweakling disgusting.
Nth tuh do sias. So i slp !
Then went tuh bugis fr workshop;vry funny.
We standing in th middle on th road ; holding on tuh th mic and cam.
And th peepo was watchingg ?
Wah sehs , went home. DAMN tiredddd ):
Gtgs , nida get some sleep (:
Nite Guys ; Sweet dreams♥

Monday, September 15, 2008 10:47 PM
♥ finally a post ?xD
hello peeps♥
today was just a another normal day? Did anyone miss me ? i long time no post sia.
Damn sians;lets talk about th morning.
wake up in th morning as usual;DAMN slpy~ xD
Had some people playing drums,and one of them "cooks"! *fake nia* ><"
Woahs, nice performance sia! So pro , th floor was like.. vibrating?
Then,went back tuh class prepare fr ART. Wahhs,Ms Ng scolding lyk siao?
Kelian luhs;th boys kena scolded so badly .

Then was LangArts after recess. okayokays luhs; bt i hate him.
Woahs, our grp suddenly "POP" out 2 xtra people;[jeremy&&Andy]
they no9 grp mahhs,thn we let them in our grp luhs.
me nida type agn ; HELP!! T.T
th most boringg lesson of th day = HISTORY.
tht toopid mrs lee kip shoutt shoutt shoutt; my eardrums goingg tuh break liaos.
So noisy luhs..
Cleon teo make ling Mama ; yay she nv forgive him!
i also nv luh,call pig head gott retribution de lorhs! :x

hmms,thn went tuh qing hse do chinese.
in th endd, did nth ? xD
wahs sians,went back home alone..
took a shower and slp awhilee :X
shuang ahs ! XD
went fr DAMN boringg tuition; bt today turns out funny xD
gonna slp soon , tcs uhs guys♥
lovess ♥

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
