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Wednesday, August 13, 2008 8:48 PM
Yosh Peepos xD Did ya have a great dayy ? :D

hellos people out there ~! Im here agn to post or esle my MUMMY wil nagg at me tuh write mre . hahas xD So have tuh , or esle mummy wun loveee .

Todayy ah , hmm , great day ? LOL ?? Tht toopid CLEON TEO aKa Pehhor xD , kip call me 馒头 !! WTH -.- , pissed ~ Thn Sherlene still sayy its cute , puh - leeaseeee , its disgustinqq !!

Hmm , generally th lessons okayys lahhs , bt tht geog abit pissed me off . She said "Tht councilor over thr , PLS DUN TOK . " o.o" its was lyk ahem pls , councillors cnt t0k ? -.- Andddd maths lesson todaee was GREAT ? LOL !! No lahh . it was borinq as usual . But th topic taught today is i gt learn onee , so SOME interest . ^^

Thn gt tht 2.4m runn ? which was LOL ? Mummy ps me andd abit forwardd , andd i peii laogong runn lohh . :D I was lyk goin tuh die of th running . DAMN DAMN tiredddd sia .

When Home alone , haix . nehhmind :D Reach hme still nida vacumm th floor which wass TIRING . T.T Andddddd my misseddd MUMMY wass backk fromm CHINA !! ❤ mwahahas :x She bought me a little pouch , T-shirts [ Damn cutee andd niceeee ] andd a jeans :D woohooo ~ ❤
Plus shee bought herself mre things thn i expectedd . hahas !

Thts Waddd i haveee fr todaeee❤ ! tctcs pals there . hehx . ❤

>huilinq : U TOOS , NUER LOVEE U EVA❤
>huilinq : YAY ~ Ur comp hao liaos ❤


Tuesday, August 12, 2008 6:40 PM
YOOSH Peepos !!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Im here agn tuh tagg :D Today was quitee an happi day XD
Bt borinq lahh , maths lessons D: they sux .

After skul , Sher , linq , xian and qii come my hse tuh do some toopid geog thingy and played luhs ~ LOL !! suxian was shouting all over my hse . quitee pissed . ><

Then we listened tuh songs , THAI ONES ! OH MY GAWD ! i loveeeeeeee JONG BAE x33s [ th sonq was " My Girl" by Kotic]

Th MV gt parts , thn gt JONG BAE 's girl writing on his hand [ LOVE ] and [ LOVE OR NOT ] . aiyah , thni hlp them write dwn . ! LOLL ~ niceeeeeeee wors x3

Nw they go hme liaos , sadden T.T , hardly they come my hse play so happi :D
hahas , ILT = I LOVE THEM ❤

Gtg , do zuowen -.-" buaiix , tctcs❤

> Simin❤ : aiyohs , psps lahh, u haven give me ur link :D


Thursday, August 7, 2008 10:52 PM
♥ T^T
Yosh Peeps !!
Today , nothing special except fr tht toopid health check up . -.-
Cox check up on th maths lesson , so vry shuang lahhs . No maths mah , or esle i wil slp agn ~ xDD
Thn my turn tuh check my eye sight , woahs , hehx. My eye sight still good as even :D Hahx , i lovee my eyes sia !!
Thn tht nurse ask me some stupid , totally idiotic question , [ Do you Smoke ? ] DORTZ !
Do i look lyk th kind tht SMOKE ? though my parents do , ><"
Aiyah , they smoke i quite used tuh it luhs , bt hor , other ppl smoke i tink vry smelly lehs . =.=

Eew , thn ltr gt history lesson , WTH . Tcher ask us make PAPER & COMPASS . Which was totally idiotic ! A little bit she lyk so agitated sia . I vry sianzz D:

aiyah , thn go home with my sis , IDIOTIC XD . Treat her some treats LOL . Go hme gt BIG BIG headache !! Pain lahhs T.T Thn slp all th way tuh 7++ , hehx .
Now oso quite tired , T.T

So tmr national dae eve wor , happy bday sg ~ LOL !! Gt long hols , niceee !!

Jiayouss muahh fwens , exams blahx blahx blahx !!
Love ya all !!

> Qinaide : re-link ! ❤
> Sherlene : O.o , wan ah ? dun find me . i nub xD !

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
