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Saturday, July 26, 2008 10:52 PM
♥ Frweakinq boreddd D:
Another Day which i am still unable to answer my doubts .

I tot tht fwens were th most important things in everyones' life . But i realised tht i was wrong or maybe i am unsure of th answer . Am i accusing them or i am tired of it ? But at th bottom of my hart , i am truely Sorry fr my Harsh words and My temper . Tqs fr ur understanding and i truely hope tht your wil chnge for th better . ^^ You shld know who i am refering tuh and wad i wished fr. ^^

Todae , nth todae luh . When fr tuition and nearly throw my temper at them agn . ><" Still so pissed u see. frm th incident ystd . When tuh tuition and so many boys -.- Wa piang ~ Sitting in a corner , lonely wor T.T
Thn haven your guys , hehx gt a guy i tink looks lyk Akar . lols !! xDD

Haix , tiredddddddddd DAMN DAMN tireddddddd D:
But Most of all i still loveeeeee them , though th excuses are lousy !! xDD

Thursday, July 24, 2008 9:30 PM
Yosh ~ I have a cute vid here :D mwahahahs :D
I lyk th guy in specs alot !! Hes so CUTE xDD

Todae nth much , went to qing home to do th chinese project and stuffs D:
Thn nth to do at home :D
NTH NTH :S Byessssssss x33s

Monday, July 14, 2008 10:11 PM
♥ A Very SOT day ~ xD

Heyheys :D todae its lyk shyt D: LOL , linq , sher and me were lyk damn HYPER ~
I tink its their first tym so hyper xDD lawls !!
Our skul have some guests from other skuls , they come for exchange program .
My class came 2 girls , 1 of them is my pri skul fwen ~ mwahahas xDD
After skul mre HYPER and SOT , we have our lunch with suxian and we fight over toopid things lyk " Who is the first asst. ldr in AWE ? " , " How long did we last with our audi cpl ? " and " Why i older and i am shorter and lighter than you all ? " These toopid questions were asked and we fight over it ! lols ~ xDD
Its was CCA tym larhs , there was plenty of tym and we played " Jie Long" ~
Then when we are at a certain word , suddenly we laff at the answers linq gave !! :D CCA damn boring suddenly wan slp D: My grp members are linq , me , sher and JH . We went outside skul and we take shots of moving vehicles , suddenly Jh shout "KITKAT!!" I was lyk LOL ? Then we all laff lyk siao..
We went bak to the comp lab and cher showed our works , whn our work , we all laff lyk siaokias liddat !! XD Then the shot on the interview , interviews are supposed to be toking bt ours not :DD
Ours is silent interview , movie XDD !!
Linq they all send me home , thn we went to my hse de playground play catching ! xD which was quite lols.. Then i dunno why hor , linq and sher become sot , then keep pull my hands till very pain and reddish !! T.T Pain Sia... T.T
I have no other choice bt to let go my bag , they pull my bag away and nv return ==
Then i was waiting there for about 15mins ? Then finally come bak , == ! WE was playing with Ashley the cute little dog xD !!
Its the end of the tiring SOT dae.. Nothing to be proud of xD
Its Happy to live liddat , no worries and play !!!!!! :DDD
Especially Melilot and Jojo and Suxian D:
They Fight , in msn u see D:
KongBu ><"
BYes x33s
Anws , anyone from AWE noe who is the FIRST asst. ldr ? xD
I will be glad if u rmb , which lonq tym ago ~ xDD

Wednesday, July 9, 2008 9:18 PM
♥ Its lonq tym..
Its lonq tym since i ever taqq on this blog.. dad wun let me use it.. wad can iie do ?
I only can keep quiet.. ><
Btw , i learn alot frm my chinese lesson . And its only frm a chap ! o.o
i finally knoe lovee have no meaning to it and its undescrible..
I wonder its true ? hhas.. its jux another my tots..
Maths lessons hadn't been listening lots , too tired..
i am tired of everything..
hmwk HMWK HMWK !!! ahhhhs ~
Its driving me crazy.. Will i be a Sot person ? hhas..
Another sot tot..
Gtg ~ doin hmwk agn ~
Buaiix.. Take caiires <3
Dun forget to cherish wad u have..
Its nvr too late...

Th Ladaye.
SAMANTHA is my name! :D
25o4 is my bigbig day! :D
Uber random and hyper girl! :D
Love me, i will love you back lotsa! <3
Hate me, i hate you to th max! >[
Loving WonderGirls every minute to my death.

Grow to 160cm!
Rebond hair
♥ Elmo keychain/plushtoy!
♥ CookieMonster keychain/plushtoy!
Random outing!
